Our heroes laboured for a free and fair Nigeria where dreams are realized and limitations are conquered. What really are we doing to ensure this labour to which many lost their lives is not in vain. Our leaders have thrown caution to the wind and conscience to the dogs.
Our past heroes did not labour to create a Nigeria where lawmakers become lawbreakers and abnormalities thrown in our faces, a Nigeria that grovels helplessly, continously in insecurity, corruption, stagnant economy, epileptic power supply, poor governance, terrorism and breakdown in healthcare delivery and education system. A Nigeria where the cream of the society travels to foreign hospitals to treat a headache and the common can not freely move about without serious prayers ( Lord, I go out in search of what to eat, may I not encounter what will eat me).
What exactly did our past heroes labour for? What kind of a Nigeria are we really building? When shall we break free from the shackles holding us back in constant struggle. When shall we live our Nigerian dream? What is the labour of the present crop of leaders. To create a Nigeria where dreams are achieved or one where we are never short of excuses for our shortcomings while our leaders help themselves to our collective resources.
We need to do away with wasteful government structures. We need accountability and an end to impunity.
Well said, let me also remind you that to move forward one must first know where he started from, where he is on 'the map' and where next to go/what to do next. Here is the question, ♓ọ̥W̶̲̥̅̊ many of us, younger generation know our country well enough to mention the names of these heroes and their deeds? Their sacrifises and their 'Nigerian dream'? Look around you and you will readily have the answer! An ambassador that can not recite the national pledge, is that not shameful? We need to go back to the drawing board, know our history and get our map to make progress.
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