Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Home remedies to get rid of spots

Spots are unsightly. They can make make a pretty  face look  less attractive. To get rid of spots using home remedies, patiently go through the items below and make use of any within your reach

A Daily Routine:
Steam face: face steaming helps open your pores, cleanse your skin gently, moisturise and tone your skin without excessive oils, and will also help reduce infection, inflammation and further acne outbreaks.
    * Bring a pot of water to a boil, or if you don't have a large pot, then fill your bathroom wash-hand sink with the hottest water that you can.
    * Place a towel over your head, and lean over the sink or pan of water for one to three minutes. Do this once or twice a day, depending on what your skin can tolerate

Then apply your preferred acne home remedy

Baking Soda:
Mix baking soda and water into a paste and applied as a facial mask. It helps to clear up acne outbreaks, speed up healing and reduce acne scars to barest minimum.

Lemons or Limes:
Squeeze the juice out of fresh lemons or limes and apply the juice directly on your acne scars using a cotton ball. Let your skin soak up the lemon juice for a while before washing it off with water. Lemon juice improves the appearance of dark acne scars and blemishes by lightening them.

Egg White:
Once you have made sure you are not allergic to eggs, apply the white of egg to your face as a Facial Mask and leave over night if comfortable, if not wash off before going to bed.
This is helpful in reducing acne inflammation and heals acne scars. You can add a few drops of lemon if you can tolerate it.

Water is one of the most commonly used homemade remedies for acne scars. Water is the essence of our skins health and it becomes even more important when you are trying to reduce acne scars. It helps the skin to clean the toxins, create new skin cells and preserve elasticity. For adult person it is recommended to drink at least 80 ounces of filtered water every day in order to preserve healthy and fresh skin.

Slice up a tomato and place it over your face or form a paste and apply on the face.Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A that hinders overproduction of sebum that causes acne. Vitamin A also has antioxidant qualities that refreshes and renews scarred and damaged skin.

Honey is a natural moisturiser that can help in treating acne scarsand can be applied as a facial mask. It contains enzymes also which help to heal acne scars. You can also add a few drops of fresh lemon juice. Some people sleep overnight with the honey mask, but that might be a little messy!
Place an old towel over your pillow.

Tomatoes and Cucumbers:
A popular way of treating acne scar is to use a face mask made out of tomatoes and cucumbers.These two combined can greatly reduce the visibility of acne scars. Using a tomato and cucumber face mask also tightens the pores of the skin giving it a nice, even texture.

Picking out fruits
Fruits have been said to be very good when dealing with the skin because of the richness they contain. Amongst all the fruits we know about, the most effective ones that can be used to clear acne are lemons and limes.
Fruitssuch as papaya, pineapple and berries all contain natural enzymes which exfoliate and cleanse the skin. Simply mash or puree a little and apply to your face for 15 or 20 minutes.

Diet & Food
Any home remedies for acne scars that you use will work MUCH more effectively if you also pay attention to the food you eat, and to your overall health.

You can DOUBLE the effectiveness of any acne home remedy by making a commitment to eating a natural, whole foods diet and by saying goodbye to processed foods, junk foods, sugar and caffeine.
Hope this helps. Have you tried something that worked and is not included in the list? please do share with us.


  1. Pls what home remedies can you use to clear dark circles or patches on your face especially around the eyes caused by sunburn?? Plsssss reply asap

  2. nicely crafted article, well done!

  3. very incisive and informative. nice piece Leye!

  4. Will try some at home

  5. Hmmmm, nice write up. How abt sun burn patches @ d side of d face.. Its really bn giving me concern n it sometimes make ppl think am bleaching n bleaching is a no no f me! I really want my face t b flawless! Heeeeeelp

  6. I was looking for something like this…I found it quiet interesting,

    hello have any one tried dermatix its very effective for scar removal tried to find it and buy but if you cant get it contact me for it on 07038663587, 09099973388


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