Monday, 2 September 2013

Government Hospitals: Whats your experience?

There have been various reports from Nigerians on their experience in the government hospitals. Some people have lost loved ones because the doctors on duty did not give immediate attention in cases of emergency. Some others have experienced incompetent or harsh medical workers who show no sympathy to their case. We have also heard cases of nurses being wicked and unfeeling..

I once met a nurse who helped me and  showed me so much care, it was simpy amazing. In fact, the last thing I remebered before being put to sleep during the surgery I had in June at OAUTHC was a female medical student singing to me and making beats with her instrument.

There was an incidence of a nurse being insulted in the ward because she wouldnt let a man in to check on his sister. I think there are good medical workers and there are bad ones.

 Have you ever being to a government or teaching hospital? Whats your experience like?


  1. It was horrible, some of the nurses were mean,neglectful and nonchallant. I pray never to never there again!

  2. Doctors are used to seeing people die everyday and they show no emotions. that's how bad it is. the so called Hippocratic oat the swore is actually an hypocritical oat.
