Saturday, 27 July 2013

Is your food and habits putting you in danger?

Watch out for these foods and habits. They negatively impact your health and productivity

Cold water/drinks
Table Sugar
Excess Salt
Meat (Especially Red meat)
Processed foods
Canned/Thinned foods
Tobacco (Smoking) 
Toothpaste with fluorides
Scratching Recharge cards with fingernails
Dangerous personal care products like costmetics, mouthwash, soaps, shampoos, hair-sprays, make-ups
Harmful household products e.g insecticides and detergents
Exposure to PC/Desktops, TV, X-rays, Scan, too much sun ray
Inhaling Carbonmonoxide and other killing gases and particles like paints, asbestos, cements e.t.c
Sedentary lifestyle (No exercise)
Eating at wrong hours

Which of these are you guilty of? Its never too late to make amends.

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