Saturday, 27 July 2013

Nigerians in Kenya Protest Police Harassment and Intimidation

Nigerian nationals living and doing business in Kenya yesterday held a protest match over what they called "harassment by the Kenyan government". Hundreds of Nigerians gathered at the Nigerian High Commissioner's office on Lenana road and asked the commissioner to intervene and ensure that they are not harassed. “Since controversial businessman Anthony Chinedu was deported, the government of Kenya has been haraassing and intimidating Nigerians. We have been labeled drug traffickers, con-men and other names,” said Joe Oladimeji the president of the National Association of Nigerians in Kenya.

Read Letter below:
The harassment has taken a xenophobic dimension, Just 2 days ago a Nigerian with Valid passport and entry Visa to Kenya was stopped by plain clothes policemen, when they requested for his passport, he promptly presented it to them. The passport was immediately seized and he was asked to to leave Kenya, as Nigerians only come to Kenya to take their woman, he resisted and insisted that he committed no offense, he was immediately attacked and beaten to a pulp and he was bleeding profusely.
The took him to the station and the OCS was so alarmed that he almost got physical with the policemen and insisted the paid for the guys treatment. He has taken pictures and also copies of his statement and dropped at the embassy.
3 days ago, 27 Nigerians were refused entry without Valid reasons yet we have a protocol of giving Visa's on entry by both countries Embassy officials who visited the Nigerians in jails broke down in tears when the found out that they were not only innocent but that they were tortured and brutalized .
The Nigerian community has also met with leading politicians in Kenya who insist that our Ambassador has not only failed to do his Job, and that if we remain silent about this harassment that it will only get worse.
This case is only one of the many cases that is going on in Kenya.
We as an organization cannot afford to publish this letter on the pages of the Newspapers in Nigeria, but we are appealing and counting on your good graces to help us make our plight known.
National Association of Nigerians in Kenya

Is your food and habits putting you in danger?

Watch out for these foods and habits. They negatively impact your health and productivity

Cold water/drinks
Table Sugar
Excess Salt
Meat (Especially Red meat)
Processed foods
Canned/Thinned foods
Tobacco (Smoking) 
Toothpaste with fluorides
Scratching Recharge cards with fingernails
Dangerous personal care products like costmetics, mouthwash, soaps, shampoos, hair-sprays, make-ups
Harmful household products e.g insecticides and detergents
Exposure to PC/Desktops, TV, X-rays, Scan, too much sun ray
Inhaling Carbonmonoxide and other killing gases and particles like paints, asbestos, cements e.t.c
Sedentary lifestyle (No exercise)
Eating at wrong hours

Which of these are you guilty of? Its never too late to make amends.

Want a better libido? The answer lies in food....

Watermelon: Currently in season and sometimes throughout the year, this fruit is very low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. It is also considered as a good source of potassium, and a very good source of vitamins A and C. Its crowning glory, however, is citrulline, an amino acid that stimulates nitric-oxide production and increases blood flow to the male organ, strengthening erections.

But if you are trying to conceive, don’t overdo it! Watermelon, like tomatoes, contains the antioxidant lycopene, which is in the same family as carotene and therefore has the same beneficial antioxidant effects.  But it is also anti-estrogenic, so a very high volume may block estrogen and prevent the lining of the uterus from growing and the fertilized egg from implanting.” 

Chocolate - It shouldn't be surprising when a woman craves chocolate or tries to convince that it turns her frown upside down, not with all the libido goodness that is melted within this delicious treat. Chocolate contains theobromine -- an alkaloid -- that is very similar to caffeine. It also contains phenylethylamine, a chemical believed to produce the feeling of "being in love."
Bananas - The enzyme called bromelain is found in this lovely shaped fruit. The enzyme is not only believed to increase libido but reverse impotence in men. As an excellent source of potassium and B vitamins like riboflavin, which increase the body's overall energy levels, you'll both be ready for an all nighter. Bam!

Garlic- Before you skip pass this libido strengthening herb because of its pungent odor, know that it containsallicin, an ingredient that increases blood flow to the sexual organs. The same sexual ogans that will keep the headboard knocking, but if you absolutely cant take the odor, buy some garlic capsules
Eggs -  Eggs are high in B5 and B6, which help balance hormone levels and fight stress, two things that are mandatory to a healthy libido. Before you go down, gobble down a few boiled eggs to step your game up.  
Liver - Nothing sounds sexy or arousing about liver, but with its good source of glutamine, a cellular fuel for the immune system, it is a definite  pick me up for a slowed down libido. Add it to your regular diet and before you know it, you're sex drive will be running steady.

Arousing Almonds - The prime source of essential fatty acids found in almonds are a necessity for a man's healthy production of hormones. While the consumption is beneficial to the man, the aroma is arousing to the woman. Light almond scented candles, spray almond scented room freshener, whatever you do be sure to infuse the room with almond scent and leave a bowl of almonds for him to crunch on. 


Happy Birthday Biola!!


May the heavens be opened and God's blessings showered upon you. 

We celebrate a person who Brings happiness to everyone and fills our lives with joy and fun.

Believe it or not, He is 105years old!!!


Mr. Li Jinyuan is 105 years old! He founded Tiens group, a health company in 1995. Today Tiens Group has become a multinational conglomerate, boasting of industrial capital, trading capital and financial capital. Mr Li Jinyuan is still at the helms of affairs. 

Only healthy living can make this possible, Right?

Friday, 26 July 2013

We Muslims have the right to give our daughters out at any age we want- Asari Dokubo

Stated above is the opinion of Former Ijaw Youth Council president and founder of the Niger Delta People's Volunteer Force, Mr Asari Dokubo regarding child marriage in Nigeria. Mr Dokubo does not obviously agree that child marriage is a violation of a child's right to freedom of thought, conscience, education, personal liberty, fairhearing and  freedom from discrimination on the grounds of sex.

Convicted Nigerian rapist to be deported from the UK

According to lindaikeji, Convicted rapist, Ekene Anoliefo, 38, who is a son of a Nigerian politician, has lost his appeal to stay in the UK and will be deported back to Nigeria after serving time for rape.

Ekene was jailed for nine years for the rape of a 19 year old woman in Aberdeen, who he pretended to help before holding her captive in his car, driving her to his flat and then raping her there.

Ekene had been fighting to stay in the UK since he was ordered for deportation in December 2012, claiming that deportation would breach his human rights. His lawyers argued that he had lawfully lived in the UK for four years as a student and had hoped to remain in the country after serving time but the UK government don't want to hear none of that. They said he's 'a dangerous sexual predator' and want him out of the UK.

Reps approve 14 years imprisonment for same sex marriage

The House of Representatives yesterday Thursday May 29th approved 14 years imprisonment for persons who contracted same sex marriage in the country.

This was sequel to a clause-by-clause consideration of a Bill for an Act to prohibit marriage or union entered between persons of same sex, at the Committee of the Whole.

“Marriage or civil union entered between persons of same gender shall not be solemnised in any place of worship, either church or mosque or any place in Nigeria,” it said.

Introducing the bill, Rep. Albert Sam-Tsokwa ( PDP-Taraba) said that it sought to achieve a far reaching objective by outlawing same sex marriage and provide punishment for offenders.
It also set out a 10-year sentence for “any person who directly or indirectly makes public show of same-sex amorous relationships’’.

“Any persons or group of persons that administers, witnesses, screen and shields the solemnisation of same sex marriage in Nigeria on conviction, will be liable to 10 years imprisonment.’’

It would be recalled also that the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, had warned that his country would consider withholding aid from countries that did not recognise gay rights.

In Nov. 2011, the senate approved the bill that would make same-sex marriages punishable by up to 14 years for the couple and 10 for anyone abetting such unions.

The bill is expected to be sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Source: NAN

Watch hair relaxers!

Which hair relaxers do you use? Where do you buy them? Do you have a ‘test’ before applying any relaxer on your scalp? There is need to know this before you go to the salon.
Your scalp is a very sensitive part of your body because of its covering for the veins which supply blood to the brain. Any progressive damage to the scalp could lead to the thinning of the skin layers, thus exposing vital veins.

Hair relaxers contain sodium hydroxide. This chemical is used in cleaning drains and also used in products that are referred to as ‘lye’ relaxers. The strength varies from a pH factor of 10 to 14.  The higher the pH, the faster it relaxes the hair.
But with this effectiveness also comes a more potential damage. Relaxers that are labelled ‘no-lye’ use guanidine hydroxide.  The label   does not imply that there aren’t any strong chemicals used or that the chemicals used are somehow less potentially damaging.  Although this type of chemical hair relaxer can be less damaging than its counterpart, it also requires special care when applied.

 So, before you apply the next relaxer, you have to consider these:
• Never use relaxers on a damaged scalp.
• Watch which relaxers you use for children. Applying such strong chemicals to young hair portends damage that could last a lifetime if misused.
• Touch ups (re-touch) should only be done between a periods of six to eight weeks. The more chemicals applied to the hair, the more possibility of damage.
• Carry out a strand test to determine the best relaxers for your scalp.
• Report problems you are currently experiencing with your hair or scalp to professionals.

Credits: Punch.

This fallacy called 'Accidental Discharge'

Accidental discharge which I call 'trigger-happy syndrome' has been in existence way before the democratic government of former President Olusegun Obasanjo. An example is the shooting of three men and a girl, Alice Tominiyi inside a bus along Sagamu Benin Express-Way on 7-2-1997 by Solomon Adekunle, a police officer The victims were taken to the hospital where the girl Alice eventually died on 8-2-1997.The sad tale is that we still grapple with this issue till date.The death of Ademola Aderinto, killed by a police bullet during the anti-fuel subsidy removal protests, was accidental. Most recent is the death of nine year old Timilehin Ebun who was killed by a police stray bullet right inside his father's car on his way back from the Airport with his family, where they had gone to pick his elder brother
According to 'hairy' on nairaland, 'Every sophisticated firearm manufactured comes with a SAFETY CATCH. A trained man is instructed never to remove his firearm from safety until he intends to use it. Understand the language, not "unless" he intends to use it but UNTIL. The subtlety must not be overlooked. Only after the need arises should he flick off the safety. With the Safety, a mistaken depression of the trigger will not cause the firearm to discharge averting the possibility of an accident. Therefore I put it to the Nigerian police that unless their weapons come without safety, unless they train their operatives to regard safety last as against first, to risk life at will, to shoot and ask questions later and to terminate lives with wanton disregard, the term ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGE is an assault on our collective sensibilities and a grammatical contraption repugnant to common sense. A policeman's finger has no business in the trigger compartment unless the situation absolutely mandates use of his firearm. Before that however the safety of his firearm has no justification being off in the absence of clear and present danger'.
 What is the worth of a Nigerian life to a trigger-happy policeman, that this monstrous syndrome that cuts short the hopes and dreams of its victims has continued to torment us as a people? 
LEJ Readers, Is accidental discharge really accidental?

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Dont fight ageing with Creams alone!

Anti-ageing foods

Many people will spend sack loads of money on anti-ageing creams, facial surgical procedures and other cosmetic processes that claim to restore youthfulness or chunk off some years from their looks.Well, some people are able to achieve temporary relief from the scrawny lines that wrinkles foist on the face, neck and the forehead — three areas of the body that readily give away, unsolicited, the number of decades someone has spent so far on this part of the divide.

Yet, experts say we can save ourselves from the feelings of helplessness that ageing — especially premature ageing — foist on us. They contend that dietary habits can either delay or speed up the ageing process, depending on what you take into your mouth.
Nutritionists warn that certain poor eating habits do more than make you fat and tired, they simply make you age from the inside out.

According to Professor of Nutrition at Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Ignatius Onimawo, too much sugar and processed foods, combined with insufficient exercise, are three principal agents that make you age speedily.
He says, “These agents increase insulin and leptin receptor resistance in the body, and they are the leading cause of premature ageing and death.”
 On the contrary, foods with little or no nutritional benefits, like sugary snacks and drinks, can actually damage the collagen and elastin that otherwise should keep the skin firm and youthful.”
Worse still, if you prefer coffee to tea, scientists say, prepare for wrinkled skin the way someone who drink green tea may not have to.
In fact, research suggests that green and black tea contain protective compounds — like EGCG and theaflavins — that help prevent skin cancers and the breakdown of collagen, the cause of wrinkles. Scientists suggest that these two potent antioxidants also have therapeutic applications in the treatment of many disorders, including cancer.

What about choosing the so-called “fruit juices” above natural fruits which contain dietary fibre that aids the overall health?
Nutritionists warn that commercially-made fruit juices contain high fructose corn syrup and little real juice. The majority of them also contain artificial flavours and not the real thing. That is why your apple, pineapple or strawberry “juice” may be juice in name alone, as they may be full of additives that give them the semblance of real fruit juice when, in reality, they are made from concentrate.
Again, if you still stuff your shopping cart with canned foods, physicians would have you know that canned goods are soaked in heavy syrup and therefore have more sugar, salt and calories than fresh foods.

Credits: Punch

Glow with Shea butter

Shea butter is a complete skin oil. It moisturizes, smoothens and absorbs into the skin without clogging the pores.

For skin to glow

• Use shea butter rich cream as part of your daily beauty routine or get good quality raw shea butter. Do you hate the smell? Why not add a few drops of an essential oil as fragrance? You can mix with your preferred body cream too. This way, your skin glows and is supple.

•  Before bed time, wash your face and then oil cleanse. Oil cleansing is the art of applying oils such as shea oil, baobab oil, castor oil, olive or coconut oils to cleanse your face. The skin repairs itself overnight. Then, the oil you apply goes into the skin and repairs it. Wash your face, pat it dry, apply some shea butter on a cotton wool and cleanse your neck and face in a circular manner, then go to bed. In the morning wash your face, apply sunscreen and make-up! You will notice a considerable improvement in your skin.

• To reduce fine lines, laugh lines, wrinkles, or fade out sunburns, marks, or to treat pimples, practise the oil cleansing treatment by applying a little amount of honey to the face before washing. If shea oil isn’t available, use raw shea butter to ‘oil cleanse.’

Shea butter does not have the ability to lighten or darken your skin. However, if you do not use sunscreen of at least SPF 30, your skin darkens whenever you are in the sun. You can get a skincare professional to help with severe skin discoloration.
How to get shea oil
This is obtained by fractionating (separating fats from shea butter) leaving liquid oil.

Shea butter for hair growth
It has been clinically proven that shea butter aids hair growth. It helps the growth of thinning hair or receding hairline as well as providing some anti dandruff properties.
Shea butter and other skin issues
• Swellings and injuries on the skin could pose a worry. Apply shea butter to the affected areas daily. It provides anti-inflammatory properties. It is also useful for massages.
• To fade scars, burns, spots, eczema, rashes, dry skin, stretch marks, wrinkles, psoriasis, shea butter comes in handy. Some research shows that it also has some insect-repelling abilities

I use shea butter on my Hair Growth journey too. And It works!!

Body Scrubs

Be it a simple facial or a complete spa experience, body scrub helps to rejuvenate the skin by exposing the smoother and supple layer of skin after removal of the dead skin layer. Exfoliating has always been an important step in all skin care treatments
Why body scrub?
The older you get, the slower your skin cells renew. Even the dead skin cells accumulate on the surface of the skin, causing it to look dry and flaky. Opting for body scrub quickly removes the superficial dead skin cells to reveal the newer ones underneath.
Salt, sugar, coffee, herbal, and a host of others are processes of exfoliating the skin. Exfoliating has always been an important step in all skin care treatments. Your personal preferences and needs determine the type of scrub for your skin type.

Skin glow
Since the dead skin cells that make skin dull have been removed through exfoliating, the skin instantly looks more youthful. One of the benefits of exfoliating is that your moisturiser is better absorbed on the skin. Salt scrub is said to make skin glow. The results for your body will depend on the type and grade of salt you or your spa technician uses.
It increases body fluid flow
When you get a body scrub or give one to yourself, you are encouraging the natural flow of circulation and bodily fluids within. When a masseur applies the body scrub, a massage can be incorporated. This will increase the correct circulation and flow benefits.
Gets rid of cellulite, ageing
Though there are no cures to cellulite and ageing, some types of body scrubs can help to improve the look of aging and dimpled skin from cellulite.
It relaxes
Treating yourself to a body scrub, especially when combined with a massage, is just relaxing. A body scrub done by a professional relaxes you. This is coupled with a choice of essential oils and other products to add to your body scrub. For best results, look for one that contains natural oils such as almond oil which moisturizes as it exfoliates


• Do not use the scrub often because frequent scrubbing can damage the young skin layer once the dead skin is off the body surface. You can use a scrub once every week or in a fortnight. • It’s always good to get it professionally done as your skin type will determine the type of scrub to be used for you.  Getting a body scrub done at a spa regularly is the best option.
• Don’t overdo it! You could go for scrubs twice a month. This would not allow too much pressure on the skin. You have to avoid stripping the skin of all its moisture too!

culled from PUNCH

Pain Killers Can Kill


Everyone has experienced pains at one point or another. And so many of us know what it is like to experience severe aches and pains in the back, leg or head, even for a short while.
Painkillers are often taken for temporary relief, but it is common for people living with chronic pain to become dependent or addicted to painkillers.
Yes, it is not just cocaine or heroin that people abuse; thousands of Nigerians are in the grip of a deadly drug addiction — to everyday painkillers commonly known as analgesic.
Though these drugs give short relief, doctors warn that overdependence on them may create greater health challenge than users can handle.

But how do you manage your pain without drugs?
The doctors say one must understand the cause, and how to prevent it or seek treatment.
Nicholas notes that it’s important to correct the root cause of pain, while managing it may require the help of a doctor or a pain specialist and other health professionals. Therefore, visit the hospital.
But not to worry, there are some natural remedies and quite simple lifestyle changes that could stop the pain and get one off painkillers. One of them is physical exercise. A health and fitness expert, Valerie Johnston, says the brain releases chemicals known as endorphins during exercise, which block pain signals and also serve as mood boosters.

 Proper nutrition, in combination with exercise, will result in a stronger body that is better able to combat pain and a number of other health problems that can lead to chronic pain.

Beauty quick fixes

When beauty emergency arise, there are quick touch-ups and style tricks to bail you out

1. For Glowing Skin, soft hands
Use olive oil. It makes the skin smooth and youthful. To soften your hands, rub them with olive oil, leave for five minutes and rinse with warm water.

2.  Smooth Eyelashes
Keep eyelashes smooth and supple by brushing them with petroleum jelly before going to bed at night.

3. Have bright eyes!
Blue eyeliner on the inner rims of your eyes does wonder to brighten up the whites, making even the most sleep-deprived person look awake

4. Have smooth, fuller lips
Apply a lip primer. Use lip exfoliator if lips are dry and flaky. Leave on for five moinutes and clean with swipes. Palm oil helps to moisturise the lipsand heals dryness. Use only at night.

5. Pat, don't rub!
You want to cleanse your face? You dont have to wipe or rub your face. Instead, pat dry after washing.

6. Don't clog facial skin
If your hair is long and dangles towards your face, beware! Your hair could have dirt, oil and bacteria. Getting in contact with your face clogs the pores. WAsh haior constantly with shampoo and conditioner.

7. Get rid of rash!
Getting rid of rash could prove stubborn. Rash could be as a result of chicken pox, measles or insect bites. A simple way to get rid of rash is this. Get corn starch, pour a handful of the powder into bath tub or buckets of water. You could also rub the corn starch on your body and wait for a while. Then wash.

8. Smooth nail polish
Store your nail polish in the refrigerator to maintain its consistency

9. Protect your skin!
Eat tomatoes more. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that protects your skin from sun damage. Also, citrus fruits hold your skin cells togethre by forming collagen. Eat more anti-ageing fruits regularly to keep your skin looking younger- apples, strawberry and vegetables.

Foods To avoid To look Young!


You want to keep your complexion looking smooth and youthful? watch what you eat! Nutrients affect complexion and help to improve one's health.

Sugar- Sweets and refined carbohydrates raise glucose levels, which increases advanced glycation end products, which in turn interferes with the repair of collagen and elastin, a protein that allows skin ton retain its shape.

Saturated fat- Not all saturated fatty acids are created equal (see coconut oil), but experts say that eating a lot of saturated fat coming from meats and full fat diary products can induce skin ageing inflammation.

Alcohol- Alcohol can take a toll on your skin. It dries out skin and when metabolized in the liver, it creates free radicals which are skin enemies. 

Re-Packaged to serve you better!!

I have been MIA for a day and I apologise for that. Its in a bid to serve you better. You all know that a healthy man in a free and fair society that respects human rights is a complete recipe for development (self and nation-wise). It is therefore with this understanding that we have decided to re-package the blog to take care of your your rights, health and beauty needs in a one stop Rights and Health blog!!!

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Hit-and-run policeman will not be protected – CP

Lagos State Police Commissioner, Umar Manko, has said the police corporal, who drove against traffic and knocked down a woman and her baby on June 23, 2013, will not be protected by the police authorities, but be allowed to face the course of justice.
PUNCH Metro had reported on Friday that the police corporal, identified simply as Friday, allegedly drove against traffic on Apapa-Oshodi Expressway and knocked down a teacher, Mrs. Taskirat Anjolaiya and her baby, Ammarah.
Friday, who was on an errand for the Divisional Police Officer, FESTAC Police Division, Ibrahim Zango, was driving a woman to the airport when the incident occurred.
Taskirat was rushed to the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, where doctors discovered that the mother of three sustained a pelvic fracture, facial bruises, and brain injury while the baby, Ammarah, also suffered deep facial cuts and a broken jaw. The family said they had spent over N500, 000 on treatment.
But while briefing journalists on Monday, Manko said the incident was regrettable.
When asked if compensation would be given to the family, he said, “We will see what we can do for her (Taskirat) on compassionate grounds because the DPO and the corporal were not on official assignment when the incident occurred, it was a private affair.”
Manko however said investigations were ongoing as he only got wind of the incident recently. He said since driving against traffic was against the state’s traffic law, the policeman would face the law.
“The corporal was brought to my office and has written a statement. The DPO has also been asked to give an official statement on the issue. By the time we are through, everyone will get his own portion of justice,” he said.
However, the victim’s husband, Sulaiman, said the police as an institution, had a case to answer since it was a police vehicle that was used in committing the act.
“The fact remains that it was a policeman driving an official police vehicle that knocked down my wife and child,” he said.

Culled from Punch

Monday, 22 July 2013

The Labour of Our Heroes Past

Our heroes laboured for a free and fair Nigeria where dreams are realized and limitations are conquered. What really are we doing to ensure this labour to which many lost their lives is not in vain. Our leaders have thrown caution to the wind and conscience to the dogs.

Our past heroes did not labour to create a Nigeria where lawmakers become lawbreakers and abnormalities thrown in our faces, a Nigeria that grovels helplessly, continously in insecurity, corruption, stagnant economy, epileptic power supply, poor governance, terrorism and breakdown in healthcare delivery and education system. A Nigeria where the cream of the society travels to foreign hospitals to treat a headache and the common can not freely move about without serious prayers ( Lord, I go out in search of what to eat, may I not encounter what will eat me).

What exactly did our past heroes labour for? What kind of a Nigeria are we really building? When shall we break free from the shackles holding us back in constant struggle. When shall we live our Nigerian dream? What is the labour of the present crop of leaders. To create a Nigeria where dreams are achieved or one where we are never short of excuses for our shortcomings while our leaders help themselves to our collective resources.
We need to do away with wasteful government structures. We need accountability and an end to impunity.

Wage Law: NLC Mobilises Workers

The Nigeria Labour Congress has commenced mobilisation of workers across the country for a possible showdown over the move to remove the National Minimum Wage Law from the exclusive list to the concurrent legislative list.

The removal of the Minimum Wage Law from the exclusive legislative list to the concurrent legislative list will empower the states of the federation to fix their respective minimum wages for their workers.
The Acting General Secretary of the NLC, Mr. Chris Uyot, said on the telephone on Friday that the foremost labour centre would soon call a meeting of its National Executive Committee to decide on the next step to take.
Uyot called on the House of Representatives to be on the side of Nigerian workers by voting to retain the Wage Law in the exclusive list.
Uyot said Nigerians were unanimous in opposing the move to remove the wage law from the exclusive list at various constituency consultations held on the issue.

The Senate had on Tuesday voted to remove the Wage Law from the exclusive to the concurrent list, an action which the NLC and the Trade Union Congress described as anti-people and a move to impoverish the Nigerian worker.
 The two labour bodies also said the action of the Senate was a   violation of the  International Labour Organisation Convention 131, to which Nigeria is a signatory.

Your adolescent girl isn’t ripe for marriage : Troubling statistics

Teen pregnancy statistics
According to the World Health Organisation and the United Nations Population Fund Reports 2012, over 30 per cent of adolescent girls in developing countries were married before 18 years of age; and about 14 per cent before the age of 15.
The WHO reveals that globally, about 16 million women aged 15-19 years old give birth each year, constituting about 11 per cent of all births worldwide. It notes that 95 per cent of these births occur in low- and middle-income countries, Nigeria inclusive.
“The proportion of births that take place during adolescence is more than 50 per cent in sub-Saharan Africa,” WHO notes.
Again, it says, half of all adolescent births occur in just seven countries — Bangladesh, Brazil, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria and the United States.
Experts also note that although adolescents aged 10-19 years account for 11 per cent of all births worldwide, they account for 23 per cent of the overall burden of disease due to pregnancy and childbirth.
As for Nigeria, the 2005 National HIV/AIDS and Reproductive Health Survey reveals that 73 per cent of girls between the ages of 13 and 19 years are married in the North-Eastern states of Nigeria comprising Borno, Yobe, Gongola, Adamawa and Taraba.
“The number of married adolescents in North West (Sokoto, Zamfara, Bauchi, Gombe, Kebbi and Niger); and North East  Nigeria make up about 42 per cent of the total number of Nigerian married adolescents aged 15-19, contributing an estimated 71 per cent of the annual births by Nigerians in the 15-19 age group,” the survey states.
At the 2013 Women Deliver Conference — a triennial exercise where advocacy organisations bring together voices from around the world to advocate improvement in the health and well-being of girls and women — former health minister and Executive Director, United Nations Population Fund, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, lamented that early marriage might prevent Nigeria from successfully reducing and subsequently eradicating maternal/child mortality by 2015.

Being the Millennium Development Goals four and five respectively, the idea is for a two-thirds reduction in maternal mortality and a three-fourths reduction in child deaths by 2015.
Culled from Punch

Nigeria: Still a democracy with deficit of democrats- by Minabere Ibelema

Looking at the crisis rocking the Rivers State Government and the Nigeria Governors’ Forum, it is hard not to see parallels with similar crises that have bedevilled several other states over the relatively few years of our Third Republic.
During President Olusegun Obasanjo’s administration, the states of Anambra, Ekiti, Oyo, among others were in convulsion. In some of the cases —Ekiti, for instance — the crisis outlasted the Obasanjo administration and dragged on into Umaru Yar’Adua’s.
Just as President Goodluck Jonathan is being blamed for the Rivers State crisis, Obasanjo was implicated in the crises in the states during his administration. They invariably involved states in which the governors were out of favour with him.
Yet, then and now, the crises is about the broader issue that Nigeria is a democracy that has a shortage of democrats. The problem of deficit in the democratic spirit is one that even long-established democracies still grapple with, though to a much lesser degree.
I will return to our current crises, but first here is an emerging and instructive case in America’s governance.
Throughout his presidency, President Barack Obama has had difficulty having his appointees confirmed by the Senate, though his party, the Democratic Party, has a significant majority in that chamber of Congress.
It is not that Obama’s appointees do not have the support of his party’s senators. It is that the rules of the US Senate make it easy for the minority party to block nominees. Specifically, a super-majority of 60 per cent is required to end procedural obstructions, including the filibuster or threat thereof.
And so a cynical Republican caucus that is hell-bent on obstructing Obama has used the tactic willy-nilly to deny confirmation to a throng of Obama appointees. And so cabinet and judicial positions have remained unfilled, thus impeding the proper functioning of the government.
Over the years, minority parties, including the Democrats, have used the tactics. Problem is that the Republicans have gone far beyond the norm in flexing that muscle. Whereas minority senators in the past were careful and selective in invoking the obstructive privilege, the Republicans are now deploying it carte blanche.
Well, early last week, the Senate Majority leader, Harry Reid threatened to have his party’s majority vote to remove the option of the filibuster, especially for appointments to the judiciary.
It is an option that the Democrats have had all along but were reluctant to use, because it is, as the press has dubbed it, “the nuclear option.” It is so characterised because it would substantially change the character of the Senate, the upper chamber, whose procedure is intended to protect interests beyond the wishes of the majority.
But to avert the nuclear option, Reid invited the senators to a special overnight retreat, where they could negotiate in good faith without the ideological posturing and blinders. It worked.
The Democrats agreed to withdraw (via the president, of course) two nominees that the Republicans found particularly unacceptable. In return the Republicans would allow the confirmation vote on the rest of nominees to proceed. In fact, a number of them were confirmed within hours of the deal.
For renascent democracies such as Nigeria, there are two lessons to be learned from this episode of American governance. First, regardless of its tenure in a given country, democracy is always vulnerable to civic and political cynicism.
Second  — actually this is a corollary — the success of any democratic order depends more on the spirit with which it is approached than on the soundness of the constitution and procedures.
Democracy is vulnerable to subversion and cynicism because it lacks the procedural rigidity of autocracies. The checks and balances between the three branches of government, as well as within each branch, are intended to deter any form of despotism. Alas, the checks are also the causes of the vulnerability of democracy.
For the checks and balances to work, all players in the system have to have as their guiding principle the viability of the system. Without that, the most thoughtful constitution will fail to hold up. Even the mechanisms for corrective action will fail.
For instance, though the judiciary is empowered to rule on procedural matters, there are logjams about which it is powerless to intervene.
For instance, Republican senators’ obstruction of Obama’s nominations is purely a legislative matter. Obama could not have sought judicial intervention, regardless of the adverse effects on the country. Only the senators could find within themselves the means of resolving it.
That they have found a compromise is an indication that even the most cynical legislative posture in recent American history can be made to see reason. No illegalities were involved. Certainly, no fist fights or mayhem.
The crisis in Rivers State, as well as that of the Nigeria Governors Forum, clearly indicates that some of our politicians still don’t have the intellectual or emotional requisites to be entrusted with running a democracy.
It is one thing to exploit procedural loopholes to advance personal or ideological interests. And that can be bad enough. It is another, still, to disregard the democratic process entirely. That is crudely undemocratic.
And that is what is happening in Rivers State. Whatever may be the desired end, it is untenable subversion of the democratic process for a handful legislators to arrogate to itself the power to remove its Speaker.
But then, such flagrant contravention of the democratic process still shouldn’t precipitate mayhem. There is a constitutional means for rectifying it, and that is judicial intervention.
That is what happened during Obasanjo’s administration when chaos reigned in the Plateau State government. Then eight of the state’s 24 legislators met and voted to impeach Governor Joshua Dariye, while the rest of the legislators were in the custody of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission.
The legal question that arose then was what constitutes a quorum, whether it is a percentage of the full house or a percentage of those eligible to vote. The impeachment was properly nullified by the judiciary.
From all indications, Dariye did not deserve to be in office, given the evidence of massive corruption. But what would have been worse was to subvert the democratic process in order to get him out.
Of course, the judiciary can easily be overwhelmed if we continue to have so many undemocratic people running our democracy. Besides, some judges have issued errant decisions in the past. Still, the civil process is better anytime than thuggery.

culled from the punch.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

A Search for the first ever Role Model of the week

Ok, We are on a search for who will grace this page as the first ever Role model of the week. Although, I have someone in mind, suggestions are welcomed from readers. Who do you think we should do the honour of placing up as the first Role Model ever?

A Short Charge: How bright are you glowing?

Fire, bright flame on light background -
      A wonderful Sunday to my dear readers. This is just a short message to gear you up whatever you are going through and wherever you find yourself. Creating the nation we desire begins with you. Be a solution based person who takes charge of situation. Yes, you can generate an unusual discovery from conventional knowledge. Knowledge is a powerful tool for any man to succeed. Men of knowledge are substance for solution. Time and season does not dictate to their relevance. They dictate to time and season and rules are broken for them.
     Yes, you can make an impact that lives beyond your existence. But to create a landmark event, you must be hooked up to supernatural source to command strange inspiration plus revelation beyond human analysis. Great knowledge plus great grace equals  great success. The inspiration of God is inexhaustible. Make your life a dignified centre of attraction. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Child Marriage, a Violation of the Child's Right?

The media since Wednesday has been awash with reports that during a debate to amend Section 29 (4) (b) of the 1999 Constitution, some Senators, mostly from the North, purportedly kicked against the deletion of the clause which states in part that “any woman who is married shall be deemed to be full of age”, citing Part 1, item 61 of 2nd Schedule of the 1999 Constitution which bars the National Assembly from legislating on any matter that has to do with Islamic and Customary laws.

The reason for contention is the proposed argument against deletion of section 29 (4)(b) which states that "any woman who is married shall be deemed of full age".

Erelu Bisi Fayemi, wife of the Ekiti State governor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, has expressed dismay with the Senate’s vote banning underage marriage in Nigeria and berated the Senators, who voted against the amendment.

What is your take on this? How do you think child marriage affect a child's right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, education, personal liberty, fairhearing and  freedom from discrimination on the grounds of sex. HOW DOES CHILD MARRIAGE AFFECT A CHILD'S RIGHT TO BE A CHILD?

Know your Rights! Protect yourself!!

      According to the National Human Rights Commission, Rights are naturally accruable to every person by virtue of his/her existence as a human being. The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, under Chapter IV enumerates the following as fundamental human rights:-
  • Right to life
  • Right to dignity of human person
  • Right to personal liberty
  • Right to fair hearing
  • Right to private and family life
  • Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion
  • Right to freedom of expression and the press
  • Right to peaceful assembly and association
  • Right to freedom of movement
  • Right to freedom from discrimination on the grounds of ethnic group, place of origin, circumstance of birth, sex, religion or political opinion.
  • Right to compensation for property compulsorily acquired 
The above rights are classified under Chapter IV of the Constitution as Fundamental Rights. However, there are other rights under Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy provided under Chapter II of the Constitution. These include the right to:

  • Free and compulsory education
  • Adequate health care, gainful employment
  • Shelter, food etc
The former are justiceable rights, i.e. citizens could go to court to enforce them if denied. The latter rights are however non-justiceable, i.e. these set of rights are not enforceable in the court. They are aspirations attainable if and when the State has the resources. However, the Commission believes the two sets of rights are both fundamental and complementary. This is because; the right to life, for instance, is meaningless without gainful employment or food to sustain life in the first place. The Commission has made a strong case for the upgrading of Economic, Social and Cultural rights to fundamental rights. Human Rights are interdependent, interrelated, indivisible and universal.

Above all, we owe it to ourselves to protect ourselves.Be at the right place at the right time. may we not fall victims of societal ills IJN.

Awake, Sleeping Giant!!!


The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man is threatened.”
John F. Kennedy

     Welcome to a platform to have your say. A platform that seeks to awaken in you the consciousness of your rights and the reality of what happens in our dear nation, Nigeria. A platform that seeks to inculcate a sense of duty, responsibility and discipline in every Nigerian. No one can afford to remain on the sideline. We must all voice out against injustice, indiscipline and violence. We dare not sleep with fire on our rooftops. No one is safe. Not in your house, school or car. The case of nine year old Timilehin Ebun who was killed by a police stray bullet right inside his father's car on his way back from the Airport with his family, where they had gone to pick his elder brother is still fresh to recall. According to available data, about 54,000 Nigerians had been killed extrajudicially between 1999 and 2013.
  As the blog evolves, we shall have a section for the role model of the week. This will be a platform to celebrate honest Nigerians who chose a good name over financial and material gains. The honest taxi driver who returns forgotten items, the market woman who will never use a false weight, the overpaid bank customer who though needs money, returns the excess amount he is paid, and the banker who will never underpay the customer.    
    Contributions are welcomed from readers. This is a platform to reveal it as it happens.Share stories about Nigerians who inspire, about injustice happening in your area. Has your rights being trampled on? Spill it here. We will do a lot of digging into the past cases of violence and especially 'accidental discharges'. With time, we will become a strong force that can tilt the situation to our favor This is the only way we can move about freely without fear of being hit by stray bullets and 'accidental discharges' from  trigger-happy law enforcement officers and people whose interest disagree with societal norms, values and peace.Create the Nigeria of your dream. I eagerly await your contributions. All enquiries, stories, partnership request should be forwarded to or call +2348137565551.