Saturday, 31 August 2013

Love: Fact or Fiction?

Why does love sometimes turn to hatred and cause so much pains to the parties involved. Is there really love or is it possible that The Executive Director, Women Advocates Research and Documentation Centre, Dr. Abiola Akiyode-Afolabi is right to say love is myth?

She said She believe in this whole myth about love. For her, marriage is a contract of the mind. If it is meant to be, it will be and if it is not meant to be it won’t be.
She tells every young person who cares to listen that the secret to a good marriage is to leave it open. Women take marriage more seriously and I think some men capitalise on that to hurt them.
Is she right? Have you experienced love? Please do share your experience with us. Its possible to believe love does not exist after several heartbreaks. Is there any reason(s) why one should keep hoping to find it?

Demand for padded bras, artificial bums rises

Bum pad padded bra photo: $12(34C)FHollywood red padded demi bra w/underwire...X trinket at frnt IMAG0525_zpsc60ba990.jpg
According to an investigation by Punch, Push-up bras have long found their way into women’s fashion while bum enhancers are getting popular more and more everyday.

Basically, the push-up bra –as the name suggests – is padded in such a way that it thrusts the breasts forward and make them appear rounder and fuller. 
 Similarly, bum enhancers are padded gears worn like panties or ‘bum shorts’. 

They give a woman noticeable curves in the hip and bum areas. And like the push-up bra, a bum enhancer will most times ensure the wearer gets the attention of men, even if she is not that naturally endowed.

For instance, a female banker, who identified herself as Kemi, said she is the “number one fan of push-up bras”, saying she never steps out of her home without having them on. However, Kemi feared that she had gotten addicted to the use of the fashion gear.

 She said, “The truth is that I don’t like how I (my breasts) look without the push-up bras. I’m addicted to them to the extent that I don’t feel okay wearing the normal ones again. Even when I’m wearing a camisole under a jacket, I don’t feel alright without a push-up bra.

 “It makes me feel more confident and when I feel confident, I tend to work better. I actually tried a few times to stop and go back to using normal bras, but it’s been difficult because I don’t like the way I look in them. It’s like I always get positive attention when I wear push-up bras.”

 Popularly called bum-bum or yodi at Lagos open markets, bum enhancer is relatively new in the market when compared to the push-up bra.

Ms. Titi Babatunde, who sells women’s underwear at Oshodi Market, Lagos, said she sold at least 24 bum enhancers a week.

 Babatunde explained that the N1,200 price tag on the Chinese-made bum enhancers on display at her stall, was as a result of a drastic reduction in its price a few years ago. It used to go for N3,000. Investigation, however, shows that the more expensive European or North-American designed bum enhancers cost N4,000 and above in stores across Lagos.

 She said, “Even when it was N3,000 women used to rush it. There is no day I don’t sell yodi and push-up bra. I sell up to two dozens of yodi and 10 dozens of push-up bras in a week. Both students and workers, young and old patronise us.”

 A buyer, who identified herself as Janet, said that she loved wearing bum enhancers because they helped in making her more attractive.
Like Kemi, Janet’s confidence level seems to be tied to her use of bum enhancers.

She said, “The bum enhancers give me what I lack naturally. Honestly, I used to feel bad that my friends were getting more attention from guys. But now, I have a boyfriend too. But it’s not something women like to announce to everyone. Most women like to keep it as a secret.”

Asked if her boyfriend is pleased with her real shape, she said, “I wear jeans (jean trousers) most times and he hasn’t seen me in anything else. I don’t know yet if he will notice later or not, but when we get to that bridge, we will cross it.”

At Oke-Arin Market on the Lagos Island, Mr. Laide Adedeji, who also sells 
 women underwear, including push-up bras and bum enhancers, said his female customers included women of 60 years and above. 

He blamed the society, particularly men, for putting pressure on women to have specific figures.

He said, “That is why you find women of 18 years and above coming to buy all these push-up bras and bum enhancers to live up to the expectations of the society. Some women have small breasts, but they feel bad because you hear men joking that there will be nothing to play with.

 “The same thing applies to bums too; those that don’t have hips or bums that men like don’t feel good about it. I get customers as old as 60 years asking for push-up bras and bum enhancers. They say the enhancers push their tummies inside and make Iro and buba (native attire) fit them better.”

A cross section of men, who spoke to interviewed on the issue, questioned the social and moral justification of women wearing body gears that create an illusion of a supposed finer figure.

They said they were tired of seeing women who appeared well endowed and beautiful only for them to be disappointed at the end of the day after finding out that the breasts and the bums weren’t as big as they had thought.

Mr. Femi Mohammed, a geo-scientist, described the use of fashion gears like bum enhancer and the push-up bra by women as ‘unfair’.
“It is cheating because it is plain deception. Men don’t use fake body parts to attract women, so women have no reason to resort to deception to look beautiful. It may be true that men like women that have good shapes, but what’s the use if the beautiful women are just artificial?” he asked.
Mohammed added that he could never marry a woman addicted to such fashion gears.

Also, Mr. Muyiwa Babafemi recalled trying to get the attention of a beautiful busty lady for three months before he finally succeeded.
Babafemi, however, said he felt disappointed when he saw a ‘completely different person’ during his first intimate moment with the woman.
He said, “She went to the bathroom and when she came out, she did not have the features I thought she had. Initially, I thought she had big boobs, but when she came out, everything had become flat. I was really disappointed.
“I had to advise her to stop the deception; even if she would enhance her looks, it doesn’t have to be so much that it will be so obvious. Any man would be disappointed, especially, if he was attracted to the lady in the first place because of her breasts.”

But Babatunde, who claimed to be defending the rights of women to “continue to look good,” said there was nothing wrong with women’s over-reliance on bum enhancers and push-up bras. She said that since women give birth, it then gives them a tenable excuse to improve their appearance, artificially or not.

 Babatunde, who also wears bum enhancers and push-up bras said, “Once a woman gives birth, her body can never be the same. So women need secret things like that to continue to look good, even when they are out of shape. It’s called ‘packaging’.”

 Also, Mrs. Mosunmola Awolola of Damscare Ventures, Ikeja, Lagos, who sells female underwear, advised women to be cautious in their use of fashion gears that create wrong impressions.

 Awolola said she always warned her customers of the danger of getting addicted to these shape enhancers.

She said, “Although, they have advantages since they don’t have side effects like drugs, there are disadvantages too. The major disadvantage is that many women get addicted to using them.

 A man may not know when a lady is wearing it but those of us selling them know when someone is using them. The trick is that when the shape of a lady’s bum or breasts appears too good to be true,it has probably been enhanced,” she said.

Hmmm,... Society and expectation. Ladies even go to the extent of wearing double bras. oh yea....2 bras at a time.
Would you use a push up bra or yodi? Some guys really dont mind. Do you?

My marriage is on contract basis, love is a myth – Dr. Akiyode-Afolabi

Dr. Akiyode-Afolabi
Here is an extract of an interview with The Executive Director, Women Advocates Research and Documentation Centre, Dr. Abiola Akiyode-Afolabi. She believes love does not exist. Interesting views, I must say.

 So at what point in this journey did you get married?
I got married in August 2008 just before I went for my Master’s programme. I had to make a decision to get married. I thought that if I didn’t get married at age 30 it wouldn’t be necessary anymore. I got married to a long-standing friend, a medical doctor. He shares the same views with me on many issues of interest. But I had to travel for my programme two days after our wedding. I got married on a Friday and travelled out for a two-year course on Sunday. He didn’t come over to see me and I didn’t return to Nigeria until I was through.

Did you expect to come back and meet the marriage intact?
When I came back, there were issues to settle and I now counsel younger people about this. I saw a very different person when I came back. We had to talk and find out if the relationship should continue or not. We had to go back to the basics; it took us another one year to decide to continue and since then, it’s been a good marriage.

 That is a rare survival, don’t you think?
I have always lived with some ideas. When I say this, people usually get unsettled. I don’t believe in this whole myth about love. For me, marriage is a contract of the mind. If it is meant to be, it will be and if it is not meant to be it won’t be.

 You used to have that view or you still do?
I still do till this moment. Marriage is just a relationship and people should be free about having the relationship. There are some underlining rules guiding the relationship, which we all know. So, if it works well, good. It is a contract and that has been my attitude to marriage. I don’t attach emotions to it and I don’t believe in people saying this is what it should look like. Your marriage is what you make out of it. We have problems in marriages largely because we expect too much from it. Many times, we don’t bother to work towards what we expect, we just assume them. You expect that your spouse should be faithful to you, but you don’t see whether there are circumstances that can make people unfaithful. A lot of divorce cases are based on assumptions. People should keep open minds to make it work instead of believing that what is binding you together is one myth that cannot break called love.  It has been working for me. I take marriage very lightly; it is not all about my life. I feel that I can walk out of it if I need to do so and he can do same. With that understanding, we both realise that we are managing something together to which we are mutually responsible and we have been like that for about 15 years.

 Are you saying you don’t have feelings for your husband?
For me, feelings are what you make out of them, although a lot of people disagree with me on this. You can only feel what you want to feel. It’s about understanding and who you are.

 How then is romance and sex in your relationship?
On romance, I believe that people were usually carried away by love story series they read when they were young. They try to play it out in reality. It makes it deceptive, a make-up. You should rather be able to determine the kind of relationship that you want and work at it instead of laying claim to love and affection. Many marital foundations are defective.

So you could have remained single for all you care?
Yes, and that is why when people are addressed as single, I don’t think that it takes anything away from them. It is a choice that people can make at any point in life. I love children, and I know that I don’t have to be married to have one. I can be a single mother; I can adopt children, adore them and live with them. I am married for as long as I think it can work.

What attracted you to your husband?
His intelligence, his analysis of issues, of female issues, among others, attracted me to him. I got into school eight years after he graduated.

Do you think the age difference makes him a mature husband?
I don’t think so. I wouldn’t notice the age difference if he didn’t tell me how old he was. He is eight years older than I am. We have seen several older men, who did badly. I think my husband actually finds me and my ideas amazing. He understands who I am and that’s the point I was making earlier. Forget about love, what we need is to understand the other person and live together based on that.

Have you ever told your husband that either of you could walk out of the relationship?
Yes. I think he knows. Initially he was not comfortable with it, but after a while, he discovered that it’s my way of reasoning.

Will you impart this view to your children?
I tell every young person who cares to listen. That is the secret to a good marriage. Leave it open. There are women who will not leave their husbands even when it becomes obvious that they (husbands) will kill them. Women take marriage more seriously and I think some men capitalise on that to hurt them

Hmmmmm.......Do you agree with her?

Fertility clinics: Lagosians make money selling sperm for N50,000

Fertility clinics
People get married for different reasons. While some seek companionship in marriage, many go into marriage for procreation.  For couples who look forward to having children immediately after marriage, being declared ‘infertile’ by experts is like a death sentence.

While it is generally agreed that it takes two to have a baby and every couple is expected to be in optimum health to have babies, medical experts claim men are having more fertility challenge now.  Sperm concentration in men is said to have decreased by a third since 1990s while sperm count is said to have decreased by half over the past 50 years.

 Studies are also showing genetic abnormalities in sperm particularly in older men. For men therefore, quantity, quality and motility of spermatozoa are seen as important factors in fertility.

 Since the male factor is a prominent cause of infertility in couples, sperm donation has become vital in assisted conception treatment.

Studies have also shown that if a man has poor health, smokes, drinks too much or has a bad diet, it’s very likely his sperms are also going to be unhealthy.

Indeed, investigation by Saturday PUNCH showed that sperm has become a commodity in high demand in Lagos. The Chief Consultant and Head, Obstetrician and Fertility Department, Eko Hospitals, Dr. Adegbite Ogunmokun, said fertility problem, based on recent experience, had tilted more towards the male factor.

He said, “If 10 couples come in, there will be problem with the male in six of them, using our parameter of 20 million sperm per millimetre. But 10 to 15 years ago, maybe about four out of 10 men would have problem.”

 Our correspondents, who visited some fertility centres in Lagos, learnt that more men are having low sperm count, thus necessitating the need for more volunteer donors. But because donors are scare, fertility clinics offer as much as N50,000 to men who are interested in selling their sperm.

They also pay more when sellers have special features that the beneficiaries are looking for.

Like blood sellers, investigations show that many people in Lagos, especially students, now sell their sperms anytime they need money.

A student of the University of Lagos, who identified himself as John, said he had sold sperm to a few fertility centres in Lagos. John said he had been funding his education for the past two years with what he earned from selling his sperm.

John said he was introduced to the programme by a friend and that he had in turn brought in two other friends to ‘business’.

“I’ve sold to a number of fertility centres. The money has really helped me to stay in school. It takes care of my tuition and some other personal needs,” John said, with a measure of satisfaction.

“It’s cool money, really and I’m also doing a service to mankind by helping out some people in need. Even friends that I introduced to it have not turned back since then.”

An employee in a Lagos fertility clinic, who identified himself as Olufunsho, said some women would pay any amount to get a sperm seller with the features they want.

He said, “We pay N50,000 here but there are times when women come in and request that, at all cost, they must get a tall man. The person can earn more when they make such requests, especially if we don’t have any that fits the profile in our bank.

“There was a time a woman came and requested that we get a tall man for her at all cost. I showed her the samples we had, but she did not like the profile. She said she was not satisfied with the heights. And we were unable to get what she wanted from the sellers that came at the time.

“The sellers that came then were either AS, or positive with hepatitis B or had low sperm count. We had up to twelve sellers that came and we were unable to get anybody. In such cases, we could offer a lot more when we find the right person. Sometimes, such people are also in a position to negotiate for what they want.”

 To sell sperm, the person, according to Olufunsho, must stay off sex for five days. He undergoes some tests to confirm that he is not HIV positive and that he also has healthy sperm among others.

He said, “If the same person is still interested and we still need him, he would repeat the screening process again. We pay N10, 000 per ejaculation for other subsequent ones. With my own discretion, if the quality of the sperm is good and we have somebody who needs something that matches perfectly with that seller, we may reduce the probation period, but the sperm must be very good.

Investigation showed that fertility centres want sellers between 18 and 45 years of age and expect them to abstain from sex, two to five days before giving sperm sample, depending on the centre.

Other conditions to be met by potential sperm sellers include testing negative to HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, sickle cell and some other sexually transmitted diseases. Tests are also carried out to determine the count, morphology (shape) and motility of the sperm cells.

However, a fertility expert at Mother’s World Care, Ikeja, Lagos, Dr. Margaret Olusegun, said the situation is similar in Nigeria.

She said, “A man should have a good count, up to 40 to 50 million sperm per millimetre of semen upward. But you find that these days, men have more challenges with fertility than women.

 “Although, I don’t have the statistics, men are the ones with more challenges now, even though they are the ones who drive out their wives if they can’t bear children.”

Olusegun explained that good sperm should have “at least 50 per cent motility (activeness) because sperm cells can be active, sluggish or dead.”

“For morphology (shape) too, which could be normal or abnormal, sperm should have upward of 50 per cent normal cells. And there should not be bacteria growth,” she added.

Ogunmokun described low concentration of sperm as “Oligospermia.” He, however, said a sperm count with a minimum lower limit of 20 million sperm per millimetre of semen would still be considered normal. But he added that any sperm concentration of less than 20 million per millimetre of semen could be categorised as mild, moderate or severe oligospermia, depending on the count.

It was learnt that the demand for sperm has made the fertility business a lucrative one. Many of the fertility centres in Lagos have facilities for sperm preservation, where it’s freezing costs about N50, 000 per quarter.
 Ogunmokun said, “After collection, the semen is processed and seminal fluid and all other things are removed. The sperm is put in little bottles and placed in special containers called dewars, connected to a power source. It is stored at very low temperature and there must be an indicator for monitoring should there be a change in the condition.”

He, however, added that there must be a standby generator in a place like Nigeria, where power supply is unstable, as sperm can be frozen for decades.
“Although, there are many other reasons why people freeze sperm, someone living far away from his wife can decide to freeze his sperm for the wife’s use while he’s away. Also, someone going for cancer treatment can freeze his sperm before starting the treatment since such treatments affect sperm production,” he added.

 Ogunmokun said fertility centres focus more on university undergraduates to ensure that sperm donors have a certain degree of intelligence.
 He said, “The current practice is to actually recruit sperm donors and the focus is on undergraduates. The focus is on students because they should be able to provide their ID cards so that background checks can be done.”

 Would you sell your sperm for any reason?

Culled from Punch

Home Remedies for Pimples

 pimple face photo: pimple face DSC00145.jpg
Steaming is wonderful for your skin at any time, but particularly when you have pimples. The steam will open your pores and allow your skin to breathe. This helps get rid of oils, dirt and bacteria trapped in the pores that can cause infection or inflammation.
Fill a large container with hot water and allow the steam to come in contact with your face for a few minutes Rinse your face with lukewarm water and, after drying, apply an oil-free moisturizer.
This treatment will also give your complexion a lovely glow.

Another quick way to get rid of pimples is the use of lemon juice, which is rich in vitamin C. Lemon juice helps pimples dry up faster. Be sure to use fresh lemon juice and not bottled juice, which has preservatives. However, this particular remedy is not suitable for those with sensitive skin.

Ice can be used to quickly get rid of pimples. It helps in improving blood circulation to the affected area, and in freezing the skin pores and removing dirt and oil accumulated on the skin. You can use ice cubes or crushed ice, whichever is convenient. Wrap the ice in a piece of cloth and hold it on the affected skin area for a few seconds.

This is one of the most smelliest acne home remedies that I've ever known.
If you rub raw garlic on and around the problem areas several times a day, you can clear up your skin. You may also eat three seeds of raw garlic once a day for a month to see results. The garlic seeds purify the blood, which help keeping pimples away.

Apply a very small amount of toothpaste on the pimple before you go to bed, and when you wake up it should have drastically reduced in size. 

Orange Peel
After orange peels are pounded and combined with water to a paste, apply it only to the affected area and watch the results!

Put a very small amount of vinegar in a pan, as it could sting otherwise, and let it boil.  If you have sensitive skin, boil some water in a pan and add a bit of vinegar. Put your face over the pan for about 5 minutes.

Baking Soda
Baking soda is a good option for all, but especially those with sensitive skin because it will not cause any kind of skin irritation. Make a thick paste by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda with some water or lemon juice. Wash your skin well, leaving it slightly damp. Apply the paste on the affected areas and allow it to dry for a few minutes. Never keep baking soda on your skin for longer than a few minutes as it can cause dryness. Wash your face with warm water and apply a moisturizer. Repeat the process twice a day for quick results

Cook some oatmeal and apply it, when it's cool enough, to the face. Lay down and leave it on for about fifteen minutes and then wash it off. The swelling and the redness should be gone and the pimple should be visibly reduced! This oatmeal mask is soothing, effective, and not irritating!

Honey is a source of natural antibiotics that can speed up the healing process, as well as help prevent infections. Dip a clean cotton swab in honey, put it directly on the affected area and leave it on for half an hour. Wash the skin well with lukewarm water. Another option is to mix honey and cinnamon together to make a paste and applying it over the pimples before going to bed. In the morning, there will be less inflammation or swelling. Wash the skin well with cold water.

Is there something I missed? Something you’ve tried that worked?
Share it here!

Friday, 30 August 2013

Is this real?

This patient is busy on the phone while the doctors do their thing. This looks like a theatre, right? Is it a real picture. Social media things....

Dealing with premature ejaculation

premature ejaculation photo: Premature-Ejaculation-sex Premature-Ejaculation-sex.jpg
The issue of ejaculation is a huge source of concern for most men, because a man’s ability to delay his ejaculation is his source of sexual pride- besides the size of his manhood and his ability to bring a woman to climax. And it doesn’t end there. Women rate a man’s level of sexual usefulness based on his ability to prolong his erection, amongst other skills.

To the poster who sent the mail, you should understand that your husband is not doing this on purpose or being selfish. In fact, no research tells why some men ejaculate more rapidly than others just like there is no conclusive research findings why some women achieve orgasm than others.

Most rapid ejaculators are a bit more anxious (nervous) than average and tend to become overtly excited. What you can do is to help him relax and loosen up. Discourage a rush to intercourse and encourage him to explore your body in many ways. If needed and desired, encourage him to orally stimulate you to orgasm. Some pressure will be taken off your husband if you have had orgasm before the intercourse begins. You can also explore any of the following options listed below:

Sex Positions: There are several sex positions that prevent deep penetration and aid longer erections. You can learn these from the appropriate books.

Cock Rings: A cock ring is a sex toy that prevents the penis from going limp after ejaculation. It is cheap, easy to use and very effective.

Desensitizing Creams and Sprays: These are very common and work by  numbing and desensitizing the manhood, thereby delaying ejaculation.

Prolonging ejaculation is okay, but don’t obsess about it. When round one ends, there is always round two which usually lasts longer. I do hope this helps.

Who will wear the Miss Abassador for peace crown? Meet the 2013 contestants

The countdown has begun for the most anticipated and award winning peace pageant in Nigeria, Miss Ambassador for Peace Pageant with 34 contestants representing the entire federation.

Some of the contestants will be crowned zonal queens while the eventual winner will become Miss Ambassador for Peace Beauty Queen 2013.

Who will wear the crown? I'm Watching out for Miss Taraba and Kwara.

Nurse Who Set Girl On Fire Sent To Kirikiri Prison

Late Ita Bassey-Eno while receiving treatment at Gbagada General Hospital
A Nurse who allegedly poured kerosene on an 11-year-old girl before setting her on fire has been remanded at Kirikiri prison by a Yaba Magistrate’s Court in Lagos.

Mrs Nkese Iroakasi was arrested and detained at Bode Thomas Police station after she allegedly set the little staying with her, Ita Bassey-Eno ablaze for stealing meat. The girl suffered severe burnss and later died at the Gbagada General Hospital after a week.

 Iroakazi was later transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department, SCID and was detained there until Thursday when she was arraigned in court. The suspect was charged with murder of Ita Bassey-Eno and was not granted bail  by the court.

Iroakazi will reamain at the Kirikiri prisons until the next hearing of her case in October.

My husband is a one minute man

I got married to my husband in August 2012. Although, I didnt marry my husband as a virgin but we practised abstinence all through our courtship period. I have a big problem on my hands now. My husband has never being able to satisfy me since getting married. I am a christian and cannot meet with another man but I do wonder if this is how I will continue. We have sought medical help but its not any better. I dont want to continue complaining so it doesn't become nagging and I dont want to hurt his ego. Please, what can we do to help the situation. we are yet to have any child. Or should I just quit the marriage?

Dear poster, to be able to answer your questions clearly, I'll have to make a post on dealing with premature ejaculation. 

Meanwhile, helpful suggestions are welcomed from readers on dealing with the issue.

Has President Jonathan failed Nigeria?

Well, according to Mrs Ganiyat Fawehinmi, wife of the late Gani Fawehinmi,
President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan has failed Nigeria and should be defeated in 2015, and his wife, Patience, has made things even worse for him and Nigeria.

Mrs. Fawehinmi said extreme poverty in the land, expanding insecurity, increasing corruption and looting of public funds call for a change in leadership in the next election.

She called on Nigerians to be vigilant as they choose those who will lead them from 2015.

She said Patience Jonathan has failed to play the role of the mother of the nation and her rift with Governor Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State has cast her in bad light.

“When you are fighting your own governor, how can you take care of the other governors?” she asked, adding that Patience Jonathan should have a rethink and iron out her grouse with Amaechi amicably.

Can we conclude the president has failed? Will you gladly vote him in again for a second term? What do you think?

'Fani-Kayode lied about me, I never met him'- Bianca.'I did not lie' – Fani-Kayode

Ex beauty queen and wife of the late Ikemba of Nnewi, Bianca Odimegwu Ojukwu, has threatened Legal action against former Aviation Minister, Chief Femi Fani Kayode, who stated in an expletive laden article targeted at the Igbos, that he had an intimate relationship with her and a few other Igbo women.

Bianca not only refuted Fani Kayode’s name dropping, she has threatened to sue his ass, in a statement made available by her Lawyers and published in the Sun Newspapers, if he doesn’t retract the section of his article publicly, that has to do with her. She said she has never met the self styled, Ivy League educated Fani Kayode, nor had any relationship with him, intimate or otherwise. Read statement below:

“We have been briefed and our services retained by Ambassador Bianca Ojukwu, Nigeria’s Ambassador to Spain to demand from you an unreserved apology and a retraction of a false and malicious statement, which you published online and also caused to be published in the Leadership Newspaper of August 16, 2013.

“In the said article entitled, ‘Neither a Tribalist nor a Hater,’ you recklessly alleged, as follows: ‘I was not a tribalist when I had a long standing and intimate relationship with Miss Bianca Onoh…’, a statement, which you know is untrue and unfounded, but only calculated to lower our client’s esteem and damage her national and international reputation.

“Our client has never met you, does not know you in person and has never had any official or private relationship with you how much more ‘a long-standing and intimate relationship.’
“Our client is therefore, outraged by your bizarre and sca

“Take note that should you fail to tender the apology and publish a retraction of your false and malicious publication, seven days next after your receipt of this demand notice, our further instructions are to seek appropriate redress in court. And that shall be without further recourse to you. Be properly guided.”

Reacting to Bianca’s threat, Fani-Kayode in a statement made available to DailyPost through his Press Secretary, Mr. Bisi Lawal said the matter has since been referred to his lawyers who will now take it up.

The statement reads, “This morning Cheif Femi Fani-Kayode woke up to find a letter that was published as an advertorial in Thisday Newspaper purportedly by Ambassador Bianca Ojukwu’s lawyer threatening to sue him for mentioning her in his article and claiming that she has never met him before. She also said that he was being malicious. The matter has of course been reffered to Chief Fani-Kayode’s lawyers who will now take it up.

“Ordinarily, he would not have said a word about this matter because he sympathises with her for whatever she may have been going through.

“He sympathises with her delicate situation and once again he expresses his regrets about the fact that his statement about her was misconstrued. We shall just leave it at that,” the statement added.

It was however gathered that Fani has enough proofs regarding his relationship with former beauty Queen and may be forced to roll them out should the case go beyond this stage. Whatever the outcome, we shall bring you reactions as they come.

I am tired of my wife's dirty habit!!

Dirty kitchen pile unwashed dishes Royalty Free Stock Images
A 35-year-old man, Emmanuel Kayode, of Maraba Area, Ilorin, on Thursday told an Ilorin Area Court that his wife, Omolade Emmanuel was dirty.

He prayed the court to dissolve his three-year-old marriage to Omolade, for being dirty.

“My wife hardly sweeps our surroundings and bedroom, and that makes our environment irritating and unconducive,” he said.

According to him, their marriage was contracted in 2010 and has produced one female child, Morufat.
He prayed the court to dissolve the marriage, saying that he was tired of his wife’s dirty habit.

News Agency of Nigeria reports that the defendant objected to the divorce prayer on the ground that she was still interested in the marriage.

“My lord, I promise to keep my home and environment clean, and carry out my domestic chores as expected of me,” she said.

She prayed the court to give them another day for her to make a reconciliatory step.
The Presiding Officer, Mr Ibrahim Abdulquadri, adjourned the case to October 3, to enable the parties resolve their differences amicably.

  Ok o... On what grounds can a man seek divorce from his wife? Can a woman also seek divorce on the grounds of  the husband's bedroom ability? I'm just wondering o.

Shocker: Man rapes 70year-old woman to death

 rape photo: rape rape.jpg
A 70 year old woman and mother of four, Mrs. Cecilia Ogidi-Okereke, of Ibom Village in Arochukwu, Arochukwu Council Area of Abia State was last Sunday reportedly raped to death by a 32 year old man whose name was simply given as Ochu.

According to a source, Cecilia was said to have around 5pm Sunday, gone to a nearby bush to get some leaves for her domestic goats where Ochu trailed her and raped her to dath. Ochu,the source said, is  believed to be a drug addict and was fond of railing and raping women of the area.

The source said that Ochu abandoned the deceased and ran away after he had brought her body to a nearby footpath to enable the villagers see it.

He was however arrested on Monday afternoon in Ohafia, a neighbouring community as he was trying to escape.

hmmm......The evil that men do surprise the devil himself.
UMUAHIA- A 70 year old woman and mother of four, Mrs. Cecilia Ogidi-Okereke, of Ibom Village in Arochukwu, Arochukwu Council Area of Abia State was last Sunday reportedly raped to death by a 32 year old man whose name was simply given as Ochu.
According to a source, Cecilia was said to have around 5pm Sunday, gone to a nearby bush to get some leaves for her domestic goats where Ochu trailed her and raped her to dath. Ochu,the source said, is  believed to be a drug addict and was fond of railing and raping women of the area.
The source said that Ochu abandoned the deceased and ran away after he had brought her body to a nearby footpath to enable the villagers see it.
He was however arrested on Monday afternoon in Ohafia, a neighbouring community as he was trying to escape.
- See more at:
UMUAHIA- A 70 year old woman and mother of four, Mrs. Cecilia Ogidi-Okereke, of Ibom Village in Arochukwu, Arochukwu Council Area of Abia State was last Sunday reportedly raped to death by a 32 year old man whose name was simply given as Ochu.
According to a source, Cecilia was said to have around 5pm Sunday, gone to a nearby bush to get some leaves for her domestic goats where Ochu trailed her and raped her to dath. Ochu,the source said, is  believed to be a drug addict and was fond of railing and raping women of the area.
The source said that Ochu abandoned the deceased and ran away after he had brought her body to a nearby footpath to enable the villagers see it.
He was however arrested on Monday afternoon in Ohafia, a neighbouring community as he was trying to escape.
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Drama in Taraba: Suntai couldnt recognise us- John Ambulus, He could recognise us-Emmanuel Bello

Taraba State Governor Danbaba Suntai being assisted by officials to disembark from an aircraft on his return from the United States at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja yesterday
The The Situation in Taraba State degenerated into utter confusion yesterday as the House ofAssembly declared Governor Danbaba Suntai medically unfit to govern the state.

The Assembly also advised the ailing governor to proceed for further medical treatment.

The lawmakers, who reaffirmed Umar as the acting governor of the state, took the decision consequent upon their rejection of Governor Suntai’s letter of resumption of duty.

In a statement signed by 16 out of the 24 members of the House of Assembly, the legislators said the decision was taken in the interest of the state.

However, a former information commissioner in the just dissolved cabinet, Emmanuel Bello, dismissed the Assembly’s position, describing it as an aberration.
Bello said the action of the lawmakers lacked constitutional backing.

He said: “They are not doctors to order the governor to go for further treatment.
“All of them were at the governor’s residence yesterday (Wednesday) where they met him and he greeted them, mentioning each of them by their name; I just don’t understand what they want.”

In a statement signed by its rum declared that clips and Photoshops of various kinds have been released in the last eight months with all facts confirming them to be fake and deceptive.

However, the General Secretary, Mr. John Ambulus, in a statement made available to newsmen in Abuja, confirmed that the man cannot recognise them.

 The legislators are saviours of democracy and we urge them to stand firm because history will judge them well. The cabal behind late Yar’Adua drama was punished by history; the same will happen to those punishing a sick governor and running Taraba into crisis.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

By their Skin!!

Yes, beauty is not defined by skin colour! Whether light or dark skinned, total loving care should be showered on the skin.That is how you appreciate what you have.

Your skin will only be a product of the way you treat it. What you give is what you get!

Do you remember our very own Genevieve Nnaji, Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde and Mercy Johnson used to have faces marred with pimples way back then in movies? Even Rita Dominic's skin looks way better now. Abi I lie?