Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Foods that’ll make you look younger

Sweet potatoes: Beta-carotene, which makes these tubers orange, balances your skin’s pH, helps combat dryness, and promotes cell turnover, all resulting in smoother skin.

•Wild salmon: The pigment that makes the fish pink, astaxanthin, is a powerful foe of free radicals, rogue molecules that damage cell membranes and DNA and cause skin to age. A study found that eating one serving every five days can prevent actinic keratoses — ugly rough patches that are precancerous.

•Tomatoes: The fruit’s red pigment, lycopene, is a potent antioxidant that shields skin from sun damage — like sunscreen, but from the inside out. To best absorb lycopene, eat tomatoes with olive oil.

•Citrus fruits: Vitamin C is essential to building collagen, a vital component of young-looking skin, which starts breaking down in your twenties. Citrus also contains bioflavonoids, which protect skin from UV rays and help prevent cell death.

Leafy greens: Spinach, kale, and other greens contain lutein, which protects skin from sun-induced inflammation and wrinkles.

•Reject white foods: Need another reason to avoid white bread, pasta, rice, and other refined grain products? They’re quickly broken down into the ultimate white food: sugar. Once in the bloodstream, sugar bonds with protein and creates advanced glycation end products (aptly abbreviated AGEs), which cause collagen to become inflamed and stiff, leading to wrinkles.

Source: details.com

Sneeze, but don’t pass infections

Sneeze illustration
Have you ever been around someone who sneezes on end, especially when they step into bright lights and you end up getting tired of saying “bless you” each time they sneeze, in addition to being worried about the implications for your health?

Generally, doctors say, sneezing is caused by an irritation of the lining of your nose. According to family physician, Dr. Grace Odeleke, “When you sneeze, it shows that something is probably irritating or tickling the interior of your nose. So, it is your body’s way of removing an irritation from your nose.”

Sneezing contributes to the spread of viruses, germs, and disease, carrying with them whatever ailments and contaminations of the individual through the air and onto objects.”

Good sneezing habits
Do not hold your nose or block your mouth while sneezing. Doing so can cause serious injury. The force and velocity of the average sneeze, if prevented from ejection from the body, can eventually cause hearing loss and damage the blood vessels in your head, especially if you make a habit of stopping a sneeze when it’s already begun.

•If you’re around others, you risk spreading harmful bacteria when you let one (or two or three or maybe even four) out into the air. The ‘spray’ you emit can reach up to five feet away from you! That’s a radius that encompasses a lot of people. So, be careful!

•If you can, sneeze into a tissue and dispose of the tissue. If a tissue isn’t available, sneeze into your sleeve. If you do end up sneezing into your hands, be sure to wash them afterwards. Your hands touch doorknobs, your face, surfaces, and other people constantly. And, if you happen to be away from water, carry hand sanitiser to save the day.

•When you’re in a group of people, you’ll surely be given the evil eye if you wind up for a sneeze and deliver with flying success. You’re spreading germs and disrupting the flow, so it’s best to sneeze as discretely as possible.

•Sneezing into your elbow can diffuse the sound. If that’s not an option, grab a tissue, tilt your head down, and sneeze as quietly as possible.

•Make it a habit to carry a tissue or handkerchief with you at all times, so that you don’t feel the need to withhold a sneeze unnecessarily.

•If you do sneeze, take precautions to not spread disease. Many doctors now recommend sneezing into the inside of the elbow rather than the hands to discourage the spread of germs. At the very least, you should cover your mouth and nose so as to prevent spraying germs into the air. You can blow mucus into a tissue, then wash your hands as soon after as possible to prevent the spreading of your disease.

Source: wikihow.com

Monday, 23 September 2013

Surgery Scars may Itch, but never, ever scratch....

Have you had a Caesarian Section (CS) or any other type of surgery? Are you finding the area irresistibly itchy? You will most likely experience itching at the area for about a year but you should never scratch it. Instead, rub some petroleum jelly over it or mildly tap or rub soothingly to bring relief. Scratching your scars will make it rise above the skin and look unpleasant just like in the picture below.

 C-Section Scar Revision

Have you ever experienced the itching? How did you deal with it?

Home-made conditioning remedy for dry/damaged hair

Hair can become damaged from using heat styling tools very often and not protecting your hair with a serum or heat defense oil. If you use styling tools, swim, or are in harsh weather every week, it’s a good idea to use a conditioning mask for your hair once a week or every other week. There are great store-bought treatments you can try, or you can try a homemade method

You will need:

  • a mixing bowl
  • gloves
  • 1/2 cup of mayonnaise
  • 1 Tbsp of olive oil
  • 1 egg (optional)
  • whisk
  • shower cap

Olive oil is very important to the outcome of how your hair feels at the end of the day. In fact, I discovered that my hair felt harsh to touch when I once tried a hair mayonnaise I bought in a store but the felt differently when I added natural oils to it. `I have a bottle of a mixture of coconut oil, melted Shea butter and castor oil handy. I just added a little to the hair mayo product I bought and the result was remarkably wonderful.

 Application process:

  1. Use the whisk to beat the egg in the mixing bowl.
  2. Add the mayo and blend it well with the egg.
  3. Pour in the olive oil while you whisk the ingredients together to create a blended and whipped consistency.
  4. Wash your hair, or ensure it’s damp before you apply the mask.
  5. Using your gloves, start applying the mask evenly from root to tip. Pile on more on the ends, since they’re the oldest growth and have the most damage.
  6. When all your hair is fully saturated, wrap it up into a bun and cover it with the shower cap.
  7. Leave on for 30-45 minutes depending on hair dryness.
  8. Rinse off with cool water, shampoo, condition and style as normal.

Doing this treatment on your hair once a month or once every two weeks is enough to restore a soft and manageable texture. The olive oil moisturizes and seals the moisture in your hair, which helps keep a soft appearance and prevents frizzies. Eggs are a great source of protein, which adds strength as well as shine to your hair and prevents future breakage and split-ends. The fats and oils found in mayo are a great source of hydration for dry hair, will leave hair soft and shiny. Just be sure to rinse very well with cool water and shampoo and condition. For an extra splash of shine rinse your hair again with a cold beer, after you have rinsed the mask off!

Do you have any favorite homemade recipe to condition dry hair? Do share please

Beauty Queens of the 2000's

Below are the Most Beautiful Girls in Nigeria between 2000 and 2013. Who is the most beautiful, most popular and whose reign was most significant among them all? Do share your thoughts.

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Anita Uwagbale-2004
Abiola Bashorun-2006

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Photos of Anna Banner At Miss World 2013 Pageant In Indonesia
Anna Banner-2013


Isabella Ayuk-2012


Sunday, 22 September 2013

Fight that belly fat

You’ve tried everything – fasting, deliberate starvation, water therapy and beans-only diet – but that potbelly does not seem to budge.

You have invested in some weight loss pills and herbs, but that waistline seems to be growing wider each day. Indeed, no matter what diet you follow and what exercise you do, you can’t seem to get rid of your paunch.

You are not the only one. The battle of the bulge is one of the biggest dietary challenges of the 21st century, according to experts.
The belly is the part from which most people would want to lose fat; but, sadly, it is often the last area to give way in the race to reduce body weight.

Beating the belly bulge as you grow older almost seems impossible and frustrating. However, Chief Cardiologist with Memphis Heart Centre, United States of America, Dr. James Arthur, says you must not give up for the sake of your health and longevity.
Arthur states that excess belly fat is more dangerous than excess fat around the hips and thighs.
He says, “Belly fat can lead to serious health problems. Studies and research have proven that excess fat in the abdominal area could result in a constellation of killer diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.”

The physician adds that though being overweight is hereditary, poor lifestyle choices is the major reason why many could not fight accumulating fat in their abdominal area.
 As impossible as it seems, though, you can shed that bulging belly without breaking the bank. Health and Fitness Instructor, Jo Mattew, in her book, Bust the Belly, gives some stress-free lifestyle changes that can help you achieve your goal of possessing a flat tummy. Here are some:

Get more sleep
Getting enough sleep is very important if one is looking to beat the bulge. Studies have shown that people who don’t get the recommended eight hours of sleep eat more than those who do get the recommended eight hours sleep.
Mattew says, “This happens because of the impact of sleep on your hormones, in particular your hunger hormone, ghrelin. The higher your ghrelin levels are, the hungrier you become. Sleep works as a reset for your hormones; so, if you don’t get enough sleep, then your hormones will be out of balance.”

Relaxation is essential if you want to slim down your mid-section. Most people lead extremely stressful lives, which have a negative impact on hormones, and in turn, their weight.
The fitness expert notes that the hormone, cortisol, which increases with stress levels, could increase accumulation of belly fat.
She states, “Just behind the abdominal wall, you have an organ called the greater omentum. One of its jobs is to soak up cortisol. When you are stressed, you produce more cortisol and the organ soaks the hormone and it keeps getting bigger and your tummy keeps bulging.”

Ditch processed foods
Processed foods are full of toxins that are harmful to the body. The liver’s job is to detoxify them from your body, but ingesting toxins on a regular basis won’t help the liver to do its job effectively.
Mattew adds, “It means that there will be more toxins that the liver cannot work on. When this happens, they need to be stored in the body. Unfortunately, the toxins are stored in your fat cells and, in particular, an organ behind your abdomen called the greater omentum. This is the reason people have a hard pot belly rather than it being soft and flabby.
“If you are losing weight but struggling to lose the hard bulging belly, then you need to clean up your diet and eat organic foods.”

Cut out alcohol
 Alcohol is a toxin, experts warn. Just as eating toxic foods will lead to your greater omentum enlarging and your pot belly growing, so will drinking alcohol.
Alcohol dehydrates the body, which again slows down fat loss. It contains a massive amount of calories; and while alcohol is in your system, you will struggle to burn fat, as your liver is busy detoxifying alcohol rather than burning fat.

 Drink more water
Water is essential in the battle to beat the belly bulge. For a start, 75 per cent of your body is made up of water. That fact alone should make one realise the need to keep drinking more water. If you are not drinking enough water, it will greatly affect your body.
Water is also used to clear toxins from the body and it helps fats to pass through your system before they can be stored. If you are dehydrated or not drinking enough water on a regular basis, toxins will build up in your body, affecting your ability to burn fat. Worse still, the fats will more likely be stored in your body.
According to Mattew, most people who overeat and struggle to control their hunger are, in fact, chronically dehydrated; and no matter how much they try to fight off hunger or how much they eat, the feeling doesn’t go away. She adds that with more water intake, however, the hunger will disappear.

 Limit carbohydrate
You will probably have heard people say that carbohydrates make people fat, and not just fatty foods. This is true, experts say, as carbohydrates do lead to weight gain due to the effect they have on the hormones. However, you still need carbs in your diet; so, don’t cut them out completely.

Improve your posture
There are plenty of reasons why improving your posture will help you beat the belly bulge. Improved posture will help speed up metabolism through increased muscle tone, while it also helps the body to burn more calories and fat around the waistline.

Culled from Punch

Do you know your skin type and how to care for it?

 Not knowing your skin type is dangerous. That simply means you don’t know how to care for your skin. Also, it means you cannot feed it well. How do you know your skin type?

There are five skin types (normal; oily; dry; combination skin and sensitive skin. All skin types need different skin care regime and cosmetics.

Oily skin
To test for oily skin, simply wake up in the morning and wipe with a tissue paper. If it’s oily, then, that is your skin type. The skin type has large and visible pores and mostly oily. You have to be careful and need maximum skincare because this skin type is prone to acne and pimples breakouts. It needs to be washed regularly.
Care:Use astringent and rose water to clean the oil. Shun constant use of soap on the face. For mositurisers or foundation, let them be water based. Gel creams and lotions are also good. Clay and sandalwood powder packs are advisable and a mild scrubber too. They remove black heads and dead skin cells.

Normal skin
Just a normal skin cleaning, toning and moisturising on the skin.
Care: Once in a fortnight, get a face pack and apply to keep it fresh.

Combination skin
This skin type is a bit dry and also oily. It can be oily around the nose area and patchy or dry on cheeks.
Care: Wash with a mild cleanser, use astringent on the oily part of the face and concentrate on dry area more when applying moisturiser. Let it be little on the oily part of the face. One best way to balancing combination skin is, while getting up in the morning, spread the oil on the oily area over the face and wash without soap. Never use any soap on face in the morning before taking bath. That natural oil on the face is very good for the skin to keep it moist and young.

Dry skin
It has a thin texture and looks visibly dry when natural. It hardly breaks into acne and pimples. It requires moisture than other skin types. Always apply a good night cream while going to bed. One with dry skin needs lots of water to hydrate the skin.

Sensitive skin
Skin type is thin and delicate with fine pores. Easily irritated by the sun or certain cosmetic products? Your skin is sensitive. It breaks out easily.
Care: Use all mild skin products as face wash, moisturisers and face packs specially made for sensitive skin. Don’t use perfumed soaps and lotions.

What's your own skin type. How have you been able to care for it?

Birth Control Methods: Whats your Preference?

contraceptive pill
Birth control is an important part of family life. Several methods are available for you to choose from like:

1. Abstinence

2. Natural Family Planning/ Removal Method

3. Using Barrers like
  • Contraceptive sponge
  • Diaphragm, cervical cap, and cervical shield
  • Female condom
  • Male condom

4. Hormonal Control Method which includes:
  • Oral contraceptives — combined pill ("The pill")
  • Oral contraceptives — progestin-only pill ("Mini-pill")
  • The patch
  • Shot/injection
  • Vaginal ring

5. Use of Implantable devices such as
  • Implantable rods
  • Intrauterine devices 

6. Permanent Birth Control Methods such as
  • Sterilization implant
  • Surgical sterilization

7. Emergency Contraception

Of all these methods, which do you prefer or practice and why? Would you cut your tubes even after having all your kids?

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Reader Question: Can Lime used in weightloss damage the womb?

I have been checking your blog for a while now and i must say that u are doing a very good job,its very educating...learned lots of things and am so grateful,tried toothpaste on my pimples and It worked perfectly for me...tnx so much for d info

I want to ask u something about losing weight naturally specifically belly fat,I read and heard mixing lipton with lime or honey works. I want to be very sure because I once heard that lime is not good for d womb and I wouldn't want to do anything I would regret later in future. Pls enlighten me on d effects and defects

Hoping to get a response,tnx
God bless u

Lime is a fruit consumed throughout the world. Its health benefits include weight loss, skin care, improved digestion, relief from constipation, eye care etc. To answer your question, Lime can not damage the womb. But moderation is the key.

Research has suggested that lime affects fertility. Scientists in a new study using rats have corroborated the usefulness of lime in the prevention of pregnancy.  some women use women lemon juice solutions as a postcoital douche, with the belief that it prevents pregnancy and/ or sexually transmitted diseases.

Lime can raise the acidity of pH in your urine and inside your body in general. That can potentially affect the motility of the sperm in males.
moderation is the key!

Fresh lemons alkalize the body, improving health. Disease is an acidic state. The pH of the human body is directly related to it's health. A diseased body is acidic. When drinking or eating fresh lemon it stimulates stomach chemicals to neutralize the natural lemon acidity, increasing alkaline levels, thereby creating greater health in both your body tissues and fluids.
Hope this answer is satisfactory. Do send any further questions to my mail box.

Why do Nigerian Public Officials shun Nigerian Hospitals


For even the most minor ailment, Public officials jet out of the country to get treatment from foreign medical practitioners using the common wealth of the people and the tax payers' resources.

I am inclined to think they get better treatment abroad. Are the people's servant better than the people they serve? Is the common Nigerian not good enough for good medical treatment. They prefer to commit themselves to foreign trained medical practitioners than our locally trained medical practitioners.

All resources should be gathered to improve our health sector, but nay, this wont be. 
How many patients have died from lack of oxygen?
How many patient have died because the hospital has no bed to admit them?
How many patients have died because of striking madical workers?

Why was Mandela not brought to Nigeria or taken to the US for treatment? We steal from our land to invest in foreign land. Money meant for development is stocked away in foreign accounts. Nigeria is one country entangled in an overpowering web of corruption and destructive greed.

When one man steals about half of an entire state allocation for two years, that isn't just greed but a destructive one. and this same man who has deprived his people of basic amenities by stealing their money was celebrated in absentia on his birthday elaborately.

I wonder what the future holds for our beloved Nigeria.......
When will our public office holders stop paying medical visit to foreign hospitals?.....Maybe when we decide to include it in the constitution that public office holders should be treated in Nigerian hospitals and their children attend Nigerian schools.

Dealing with Masturbation Addiction

"The greatest pleasure in life is self-control."

Due to popular requests from readers, I have decided to make an indepent post on dealing with masturbation addiction.

Masturbation addiction is a habbit that is difficult to break without self control, discipline and determination. Take it from someone who knows first hand. It is the sexual stimulationof one's own genitals, usually to the point of orgasm. The stimulation can be performed using the hands, fingers, everyday objects, or dedicated s*x toys  

 Masturbation comes in handy for females who fail to achieve orgasm through s*xual penetration. The truth is once you start masturbation, addiction is most likely inevitable and quitting becomes difficult. Although, masturbation has its benefits and disadvantages but addiction to the act is the evil part of masturbation.

 Overcome masturbation addiction by knowing yourself
A constant need to masturbate may represent a lack of physical intimacy or affection in one's life. So rather than addressing the masturbation itself, it may be helpful, as is the case with any 'nervous habit', to explore the areas in life that are lacking (of which excessive masturbation may be a symptom) and address these areas. We all have basic needs for:
  • Safety and security in life
  • The chance to give and receive quality attention
  • Feeling connected to a community
  • Feeling status and a sense of achievement
  • Having purpose and goals
  • Feeling intimate with another human being
  • Feeling challenged so as to avoid boredom.
Meeting these needs in your life helps you avoid boredom and a sense of meaninglessness.

Of course, masturbation only provides a temporary 'fix' or escape. To really make your life more fulfilling, you need to address your real needs.
Take a long look at your life. Are some of the above needs not being met adequately? Could excessive masturbation be masking an unmet need?

Remove anything that tempts your urge to masturbate like Access to pornographic materials, Boredom, Loneliness 

Find another outlet for your time and energy. Fill your life with engaging activities. The excitement of doing something different can help replace the urge to masturbate

  • Get creative. The process of turning sexual urges into creative output (called sublimation) is something on which monks and sages have relied upon for centuries. Start writing, learn to play a musical instrument, paint, draw, or do whatever else makes you feel like you're doing something productive.
  • Do sports
  • Eat healthy.
  • Find a new hobby, or cultivate a skill. Learning something that takes a while to master can refocus your brain on the delayed gratification of achieving goals instead of the instant gratification of masturbation.
  • Volunteer your time. Devote your energy to helping people who've been less fortunate than you
Be persistent and patient.
If you've tried everything and just can't seem to get your addiction under control, it might be time to tell someone else about your problem and ask for assistance. Don't feel ashamed, and remember that many people have similar problems like an addiction. Seeking help is a brave action, and most people you ask will see it as such.

Don't be 'all or nothing' about itYou don't have to 'cure masturbation', as some may even be healthy, but if you feel it takes up way too much of your time and focus then consciously start to set limits.

If you currently masturbate every day, then start cutting down by a day per fortnight. Literally begin to wean yourself from daily masturbation. Tell yourself: "Right, this week I am going to have a day off on Wednesday" (or whatever day you choose) and stick to it. Use this day or evening actively trying to meet a basic need that may have been neglected (i.e. phone a friend and make plans).

Notice what you do instead. But make that promise to yourself and no matter what that little part of your brain does to try to get you doing it – don't! After two weeks, add another day off. Continue to do this until you are down to a level with which you feel comfortable.

If you break your own rules, then 'make up the day' by choosing another day of the week, but focus on the numbers. And don't masturbate twice on one day because you missed it on another. Talking of numbers: there are only a certain number of hours in the day...

Stay busy; the devil makes work for idle hands
Unless we are truly deranged, we need private opportunity to masturbate. Fill your time with situations in which masturbation would end up as local newspaper material. Book up to see friends, go to church, ski, or visit the local library.

Teach your body not to expect masturbation so often. It will get the message and, sooner than you think, it will feel more normal to do it less. Actively taking steps to fill up your time may also be a way of diminishing boredom or loneliness, which may have been contributing factors to the excessive masturbation in the first place.

 "The greatest pleasure in life is self-control."

You are not alone in fighting this act. Masturbation is very common amonmg males and females. I wish you success as you make effort to break the addiction.

 Have you successfully dealt with masturbation addiction? Do share other tips you tried that is not listed here.

If you must bleach....know the risks involved

Disadvantages of Skin Bleaching

After months of twice-a-day applications, her skin was not only fairer, it had become so thin that a touch would bruise her face. Her capillaries became visible, and she developed stubborn acne.

Skin bleaching is inarguably one of the effective ways to achieve a brighter and clearer skin. But, one should wary of the active ingredients skin bleaching products as these could be quite dangerous for skin.

Hydroquinone, also used in film developing, is a primary active ingredient in many skin whitening creams. It is a known carcinogen, and has been linked with other complications such as adrenal dysfunction. If used continuously, hydroquinone can cause black and blue skin discoloration, a condition known as “ocronosis.” Countries including Europe, Japan, and Australia have banned its sales of it as a skin lightener. The U.S., however, still allows it for this purpose.

Mercury is another potentially risky ingredient often found in skin lighteners. Mercury has been linked to many illnesses, including Alzheimers, polycystic ovary syndrome, and neurological dysfunctions. It is known to have serious effects on the central nervous system, as well. It is easily absorbed through the skin, and is not readily expelled by the body. This means that, over time, you could build up a mercury level that could lead to toxicity. Some states, such as Minnesota, have banned the sale of all cosmetics containing mercury.

Clobetasol propionate, one powerful steroid found in some skin lighteners, can cause skin irritation and acne, but it has farther-reaching implications. Long-term use may cause your body to stop production of its own steroids, lead to hypertension or elevate blood sugar.
While skin lighteners can deliver the clearer, brighter skin you hope for, they can also bring other problems.

Skin Thinning

Repeated use of skin whitening creams may cause thinning of the skin--a condition that may be characterized by severe bruising, exposed capillaries, stretch marks and other serious problems. Although creams containing potent steroids should be available only with a prescription, "The New York Times" notes that clobetasol propionate, a very potent steroid that should not be used on the thin skin of the face, is often found in many over-the-counter skin whitening creams.

 Acne is one common side effect. The steroids sometimes used in lightening creams may whiten skin, but they often cause acne or other skin problems.

Sensitivity to the sun
According to Drugs.com, skin bleaching products (particularly those that contain hydroquinone) can make skin more vulnerable to the dangerous ultraviolet rays of the sun. The American Osteopathic College of Dermatology recommends protection from sun (a broad spectrum sunscreen) when using skin whitening creams to get rid of freckles or sun spots.

Chemical reactions
If you are using bleaching products and skin whitening product that has hydrogen peroxide and benzoyl peroxide, you may experience chemical reaction that could make skin dark and stained. If these two ingredients are used in combination, it could be more damaging for skin.

Uneven colouring
The uneven colouring is one of the complications that the use of bleach products. There are certain ingredients in these products that worsen age spots or give a dark shade to your skin.

Impaired healing
Not only skin issues, the application of bleaching products could impair skin’s ability to heal from an injury, lesion or rash.

A study published in the International Journal of Dermatology found that bleaching creams reduced or even impaired the wound healing ability in African subjects.

Skin bleaching products may address your concerns of skin colour and evenness of your skin, but brings several risks along. If you are considering skin bleach, you should think more than improving skin tone in order to avoid unnecessary complications.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Whether on natural hair or weaves, Geneivieve Nnaji is simply beautiful!

Genevieve different

Genevieve Nnaji EbonyLife

Beautiful woman. I simply cant stop staring at the  second pics. wow! Her smile is just ......wow

4 quick home remedies to dry skin

Dry skin can become an issue especially if you have dry or combination skin type. Before you spend money on store-bought products,  try one of the four home remedies for dry skin listed below.

1. Mash and warm up aloe vera  ( olive oil can also be used) in a microwave-safe glass container for 5-10 seconds. Test first on your arm to be sure it’s warm but not hot. Massage aloe vera on face  in circular motions and leave on for 3-5 minutes. Rinse off with cool water and apply a light moisturizer or face serum to seal in moisture. Do this once a week for baby soft skin.

Got chapped lips but no lip balm around? Grab some olive oil and mix it with sugar, then massage onto lips. Rinse off with warm water, dry off, and apply a thin layer of aloe vera (natural works best if available) to lips. The sugar scrub works to get rid of dry skin, and the aloe vera will help heal as well as add moisture to your lips.

Grab one Tbsp. of ground coffee and mix with 1/2 Tbsp. of milk. Use the coffee paste as a facial mask and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water and seal in moisture with a light lotion or facial serum. The caffeine in the coffee has antioxidants which can be good for your skin and the milk provides moisture.

Play with your fruit and veggies! Mash up half  an avocado or tomato and mix in one tsp. of olive oil. Massage over face and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water and seal in moisture with a light serum/ moisturizer. You can also use papaya, a banana, peaches or cucumbers. 

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Early sex can cause cervical cancer

A Senior Registrar at the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Dr. Patrick Echekwube, has said that early sexual exposure and having multiple sex partners are some factors that predispose women to cervical cancer.

Echekwube said this in an interview with our correspondent in Ilesa on Tuesday, at a free medical check-up organised by the International Breweries Plc for residents of the town.

He said other factors — including age and family history — were some of the factors which predisposed women to having cervical cancer.

He said, “Girls who start having sex from around age 12 or 13 are more likely to have cervical cancer later in life. Early exposure to sex is one of the factors causing cervical cancer. But other factors are also responsible for it and these include, having multiple sex partners and family history.

“In other words, if a member of your family has had cervical cancer, you are likely to have it. Also, the chances of having it increase with age, especially from age 50 and above.”

The doctor, however, said early detection of the cancer was important, because treatment would start immediately and survival rate was higher.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

An Unknown wealthy man abused, molested and stripped a female police naked in Onitsha

Pandemonium was averted yesterday at Bridge Head, Onitsha, when a female police officer, Inspector Tochukwu Offoegbu, was abused, molested and almost stripped naked by a dreaded wealthy man, (name withheld). This very man had also allegedly slapped the Commissioner of Police last year.

An eye witness and a tout, who gave his name as Tunde, said Offoegbu was on duty when the ‘big man,’ who owns a park in Onitsha, approached her, allegedly telling her that he would facilitate her removal from Onitsha as he did to one Archibong.

He said the female police officer demanded to know what she did that would warrant her removal, so he gave her a slap for daring him. Also, his boys allegedly tore the female officer’s uniform, leaving her almost naked.

She ran for her life into the Police post to avoid the peering eyes of the public before the Area Commander Benjamin Nwordu asked all of them to come to the area police station, Onitsha.

That man cannot be arrested because last time he slapped the Commissioner of police because of park matters and so the governor closed the park and now, it is an Inspector. I fear,” said Tunde.

When contacted, the DPO Fegge, where Offoegbu works , Muikdi Shehu, said he would not speak on the matter, insisting that the PPRO is the only person authorized to speak.

The PPRO, Emeka Chukwuemeka, when contacted on phone said he was with the Onitsha Area Commander and would get back to this reporter on the issue.

CP Balah Nassarawa was said to be out of the state as at the time of going to the press.

Reacting, another eyewitness and Campaign for Democracy Coordinator, Dede Uzor A Uzor, demanded for the immediate arrest of the accused and thorough investigation into the matter with a view to punishing the offender to deter future occurrence.

CD gave the Commissioner of Police seven days to arrest the man or face human rights groups protest and call for his removal as that was the height of abuse of an officer on duty, particularly a woman.

Source: Nigerian Eye

Foods that Kill your Intelligence

Brain foods
Scientists say our brains need sugar every day to function. “Brain cells require two times the energy needed by all the other cells in the body — roughly 10 per cent of our total daily energy requirements. This energy is derived from glucose (blood sugar), the gasoline of our brains,” 

Research indicates that a diet high in added sugar reduces the production of a brain chemical known as Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor. Without BDNF, they note, our brains can’t form new memories and we can’t learn (or remember) much of anything. Levels of BDNF are particularly low in people with an impaired glucose metabolism — diabetics and pre-diabetics —and as the amount of BDNF decreases, sugar metabolism worsens.

What are these foods? Here are some of them:
Sugary products
The list is endless, and they include biscuits, canned and bottled drinks, canned fruits in syrups, sweetened ‘fruit’ juices, dissolvable powdered drinks, candies (sweets), cakes, dried fruits, jams and other sweetened spreads, so called energy bars, milk shakes, etc.
Experts say it isn’t that you don’t eat any of these foods at all; what they are concerned about is their percentage to the content of your entire daily meal intake, and also if your entire meal chain revolves around these foods — as is the case with some people.

Eating a high-fructose diet over the long term alters your brain’s ability to learn and remember information.”
 So, instead of feasting on sugary snacks, try wholesome fruits.

Junk foods
As far as some people are concerned, patronising fast food joints is status symbol and therefore a sign of “arrival.” Well, that’s very contrary to commonsense, as scientists claim that the bad fats in junk foods can actually clog up the brain and interfere with the way it sends messages. The effects are even worse in growing children, they warn.
According to a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, the IQs of children who ate fatty, sugary, processed foods appeared to suffer years later, while the IQs of those who ate healthy foods increased.

Fried foods
Besides the fact that regularly eating fried foods can give men aggressive prostate cancer, scientists warn that their effects on brain function are as terrible.
A study by researchers at the University of the Basque in Spain, published in the journal Food Chemistry, revealed that compounds released from common cooking oils significantly increase the risk of neurologic degenerative diseases and a variety of different cancers. They conclude that toxic compounds from fried foods cause cancer and deteriorate brain health.

Experts also recommend alternate food preparation methods such as roasting, steaming and broiling.

Salty foods
Before now, scientists had made us know that too much salt and too little exercise are hard on the heart. However, new research suggests that they can be hard on the brain, too.
A three-year study of more than 1,200 people, led by Carol Greenwood, a nutrition scientist and interim director of the Baycrest Kunin-Lunenfeld Applied and Evaluative Research in Toronto, has linked a salty diet and sedentary lifestyle to cognitive decline in old age.

In fact, scientists say salt affects your brain the same way hard drugs do!

Of course, we don’t cut off salt from our diets totally; rather, what we need is a balance between things. So, a little salt is essential to good health.

Others brain killers
Other brain-killer foods to avoid include processed protein such as found in hot dogs, salami, sausages and processed meats; nicotine, as found in cigarette; alcohol, processed foods and artificial sweeteners.

" I Use Local Shea Butter(ORI) For My Skin"- Nollywood Actress, Bukky Wright.

You all know Bukk Wright, abi? Here's what she said  about her beauty therapy in a recent interview:

"this may sound crazy to a lot of people, no matter which body lotion I use, I don’t joke with my shea butter, which the Yoruba people call 'ori'. I don’t do any body therapy. I don’t go crazy in the name of fashion."

This testimony has just confirmed a post I made sometime ago that shea butter can make you glow. So what are you waiting for?

Warders Beat Prisoner To Death In Adamawa Prison

Irate inmates in a prison in Numan, Adamawa State on Monday staged demonstrations against prison officials over the death of an inmate who was brutally beaten by warders.

Armed soldiers were drafted to the prison for fear that the protest by inmates could spill over into uncontrollable violence, SaharaReporters learned from a prison source as well as a security official. One of the sources disclosed that numerous inmates suffered injuries in the cause of their revolt. He added that prison officials were yet to determine if any inmates escaped in the course of the commotion.

A prison source told our reporter that some warders caught a prisoner who was attempting to escape from jail on Sunday. “He was trying to climb the fence and run away when they saw him,” said the source. He added: “They beat him mercilessly and he died.”

Our source revealed that the inmate must have sustained serious internal injuries that affected some vital organs in his body. Our correspondent learnt that the injured prisoner was not seen by a doctor and had received no medication prior to his death in the early hours of Monday. As news of his death spread within the prison, hundreds of furious inmates began to chant insulting and defiant songs at prison officials. SaharaReporters learnt that the protesting inmates then attacked a prison official who was rushed to hospital for treatment. The inmates’ action triggered the deployment of soldiers to the prison to prevent any escalation of violence.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Photos: Nollywood Star Oge Okoye is launching a Beauty Line “Crystal Glam”.

Oge Okoye - Crystal Glam - September 2013 - BellaNaija 04 Oge Okoye - Crystal Glam - September 2013 - BellaNaija
Oge Okoye - Crystal Glam - September 2013 - BellaNaija 01  Oge Okoye - Crystal Glam - September 2013 - BellaNaija 03
Oge Okoye  is set to launch a beauty line “Crystal Glam” soon.
Oge who has been posting a series of photos of the products set to be hitting stores soon, announced via her official Instagram page that products include foundation, concealer and lip pencils.

Crystal Glam brings to you that make-up tips and products you desire to know as we unleash our make-up products ranging from concealer, foundation, primer, lip sticks/lip pencils/lip pumice/lip seals and eye pencils to bring out the celebrity flawless look in you.
Worry not spending extra on mat tidying powder as our brand contains it all. We are opening soon and our depot are in Lagos and London. Buy your Crystal Glam product and get a free makeover from our celebrity make up artist and photographer (Vegold) “Perk Up Your Look” by crystalglam#ogeokoye.

 Great venture I must say.